New category suggestions
5 months ago
Maryland, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 months ago

Maybe adding a randomizer any % and maybe adding no debugger categories to all existing categories or a no fuse category

Seattle, WA, USA

Randomizer is a WILD swing. I've thought about it in the past but getting an agreeable ruleset for the randomizer category would be difficult. It's also actually broken in a few places based on release. For instance in 6.1.3 with the right settings you can have TMs be set to randomize and they don't randomize. I'd be interested in adding the category if there were more people who speedran randomizer and we could start a dialogue about the settings.

Debugger is a small boon in the early/mid game. You can easily replace it with Fly or Escape Ropes as needed once you get access to them. It also wouldn't change the actual routing of the categories since we already get a Spearow currently, and even if we didn't Pidgey is in Route 1.

No fusing could be interesting. We could add it if there were more people who speedran the game and wanted to have it taken on as a misc category.