게시 일자 10 months ago 작성자

Hey, I'm going to create a "competition" for the first one who finds a bug/glitch that cuts the time, the first one who finds such a bug will have a special role with the name he wants on the discord server (not offensive), a channel where only he can talk and a category of speedrun.com in the meme category section (the one he wants to be logical).

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

For a better verification of the times it is preferable that when the rock falls the island is visible, because some textures change just when the time should be stopped.

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

The game has been updated to version 1.1 and this has brought some important changes to the speedruns: now your character is faster in general, you can crouch and pass through places that were inaccessible before, some sounds and animations have changed and bugs have been fixed, especially going out of bounds. The categories have also changed: volcano activation and escape have been combined and now it's called any% and a variable called "UPDATE" has been added in which the old version (1.0) and the new one (1.1) are listed.

Se ha actualizado el juego a la versión 1.1 y eso a traído algunos cambios importantes a los speedruns que son: ahora tu personaje es más rápido en general, te puedes agachar y pasar por lugares que antes eran inaccesibles, algunos sonidos y animaciones han cambiado y se han arreglado bugs, sobre todo de salirse de los limites. Las categorias también han cambiado: se han combinado volcano activation y escape y ahora se llama any% y se ha añadido una variable llamada "UPDATE" en la que esta la versión antigua (1.0) y la nueva (1.1).

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자


After some drama this is the new server/ Despues de un poco de drama este es el nuevo server

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

Now it will not be possible to play with more than 60 hertz (hz) because of the advantage they give. Because of this before each speedrun you will have to select "Settings" to verify that there is no more than 60 hz. This is not made clear in all the rules. You can check the rules for each individual category as they may have changed.

Ahora no se podrá jugar con más de 60 hercios (hz) por la ventaja que dan. Debido a esto antes de cada speedrun se tendrá que seleccionar "opciones" para verificar que no haya mas de 60 hz. Esto aunque no se aclare en todas las reglas. Puedes comprobar las reglas de cada categoria en individual ya que han podido cambiar.

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

Two new categories have been added for more variety of runs. In the 100% category you will have to obtain all achievements and finish the game and in the all achievements category you will have to obtain all achievements but you will not have to finish the game (the timer ends when the last achievement is obtained). Individual levels have also been added for individual achievements.

Se han añadido 2 nuevas categorías para que haya más variedad de runs. En la categoría de 100% tendrás que obtener todos los logros y terminar el juego y en la categoría de all achievements tendrás que obtener todos logros pero no deberás terminar el juego (el timer finalizar cuando se obtenga el último logro). También se han añadido niveles individuales para cada logro.

게시 일자 1 year ago 작성자

To reset the steam achievements you must activate the steam console, to do this open the runner (WIN + R) and type steam://open/console . Steam will open if it was not already open and a new menu called console will appear, there you will have to write: achievement_clear 2263010 and the achievement you want to reset. To know the name of any achievement you can enter this page: https://steamdb.info/app/2263010/stats/

Para resetear los logros de steam deberas activar la consola de steam, para ello abre el ejecutador (WIN + R) y escribe steam://open/console . Se te abrira steam si no lo estaba ya y aparecera un nuevo menu llamado console, hay tendras que escribir: achievement_clear 2263010 y el logro que quieras reiniciar. Para saber el nombre de cualquier logro puedes entrar en esta pagina: https://steamdb.info/app/2263010/stats/

This is what you have to put in the steam console to reset all achievements // Esto es lo que se tiene que poner en la consola de steam para resetear todos los logros:

achievement_clear 2263010 PLAY achievement_clear 2263010 ESCAPE achievement_clear 2263010 THE_FLOOR_IS_LAVA achievement_clear 2263010 BABY achievement_clear 2263010 KIDS_PLAYING achievement_clear 2263010 BENCH achievement_clear 2263010 SKILLED_DANCER achievement_clear 2263010 BIRD_FRIEND achievement_clear 2263010 PLANTATIONS achievement_clear 2263010 SAILBOAT achievement_clear 2263010 LIMBO achievement_clear 2263010 STATUE achievement_clear 2263010 CIRCLE achievement_clear 2263010 CLIFF achievement_clear 2263010 JUMP achievement_clear 2263010 TURTLE

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
A competition to reduce time

Hey, I'm going to create a "competition" for the first one who finds a bug/glitch that cuts the time, the first one who finds such a bug will have a special role with the name he wants on the discord server (not offensive), a channel where only he can talk and a category of speedrun.com in the meme

10 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 1 year ago
3 개의 답글
게시 일자 1 year ago
2 개의 답글