How to run hacks on console
How to run hacks on console
업데이트됨 4 years ago 작성자 tcbtrio

Before I start this guide let me just say real quick that Nintendo Wiis are not made to be homebrewed and there are risks for softmodding consoles in any way shape or form. If you follow this guide closely there should not be any problems but in case anything happens it is important to say that, the pikmin speedrunning community, nor the mods of this leaderboard are not responsible for any damage done. That being said, if you would like to run these great hacks on console, you will need to run Nintendont through the homebrew channel and this guide is intended to help runners install it and configure settings correctly.

What You Will Need:

  • A Nintendo Wii
  • An SD Card (At least 1.5 GB of memory but as you add more games you will want more memory)
  • A computer with the ability to read SD cards
  1. Preparing your SD Card for modding
  • Remove any important files from your SD Card and save them on your computer
  • Format your SD Card to either FAT 32 or FAT
  1. Installing the Homebrew Channel on Wii
  • Turn on your wii
  • Go to your settings and navigate to the "Internet" Option (also ensure your console is on version 4.3)
  • Select the Internet Option and select Console Information
  • Go to the following website:
  • Enter your MAC address
  • Verify you are not a robot and choose the option of "Cut the Red Wire"
  • Download the generated ZIP file and unzip the file
  • Transfer the contents to the root of the SD Card
  • Safely remove the SD card from the computer and insert it into the Wii
  • Turn on the Wii and check the mail
  • Open the Letter Bomb, give it a minute and press 1 when prompted
  • Choose "Install the Homebrew Channel" -> "Yes" -> "Continue"
  1. Installing Nintendont on your Wii
  • Remove SD from Wii and place it back in your computer
  • Delete any Letter Bomb folders from the SD Card
  • Use this website to download Nintendont programs as they are mentioned:
  • Create 2 folders on the root of the SD Card, one named "apps" and the other "games"
  • In your "apps" folder, create a folder named "Nintendont"
  • In your "Nintendont" folder, place "loader.dol" and rename it "boot.dol"
  • In your "Nintendont" folder, place "meta.xml" and do not rename it
  • In your "Nintendont" folder, place "icon.png" and do not rename it
  • You should have Nintendont ready to run on your newly homebrewed Wii
  1. Installing Games on your SD Card

Note - you must have an iso of Pikmin 2 which we cannot provide over or discord as it is illegal, you will have to obtain that on your own

  • In your "games" folder, create a folder and name it whatever you would like just so long as you know what the game is
  • Place the iso of the hack (obtained from the resources page) in that new folder and rename it to "game.iso"
  • Each hack you want to install must be placed in its own individually named folder
  1. Opening and configuring Nintendont
  • Safely remove your SD Card from your computer and insert it into your Wii
  • Open the HomeBrew channel and you should have the option to open Nintendont, open it
  • Once the program loads it will prompt you to select either SD or USB, select SD
  • Press "B" on your controller to open Nintendont Settings
  • Scroll down to "Unlock Read Speeds" and turn it from Off to On
  • Exit Settings and select the hack that you would like to play, it should be playable with optimal load times