New categories are here!
New categories are here!
게시 일자 2 months ago 작성자

Hey runners! A bit late of an announcement of the new categories voting results, but they all ended up being voted in favour of, so we decided to announce it when the new categories along with the rules, as well as the new version of the speedrunning mod that includes the "no slowmotion" toggle are ready to go up on the site. Things are being added as we speak, the google drive with mod packs has been updated and all the new stuff should be operational shortly!

Now a bit of a personal request from the entire moderation team in regards to resubmitting your old runs to these newly added categories: we strongly recommend only submitting the runs that fit the category in spirit, i.e. if you have a run on some heist that uses sniper clips, we encourage you to submit that to "any% no pbsh", but if you're thinking of resubmitting one of your glitchless runs (that category is now called NMG) into two new any% categories, we sincerely ask you to not do that and try and run the level with what the categories are designed for. The reason for that is simple - we didn't add those for people to farm "free" world records, but to introduce route variety and give people that don't like one of the other way the game was played in the any% category (be it the use of pbsh, or downpatching in general), but still want to do some runs with the use of glitches. There are, of course, no rules stopping you from doing that, but, again, we kindly ask you to not. We thank you for your understanding and hope enjoy all the new stuff!

P.S. The voting results for anyone interested:

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
New categories are here!

Hey runners! A bit late of an announcement of the new categories voting results, but they all ended up being voted in favour of, so we decided to announce it when the new categories along with the rules, as well as the new version of the speedrunning mod that includes the "no slowmotion" toggle are

2 months ago
최근 쓰레드
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