The Three Big Skips (fourth big skip COMING SOON (still))
The Three Big Skips (fourth big skip COMING SOON (still))
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 KatoGalaxy

Yes welcome to my little guide where I explain three (soon to be four?) very big skips, they are super easy and will save you tons of time, you will need to learn these if you want to rank well (unless you're doing any% no skips, in which case you don't need these)

WAVE PARADISE So first of all, see this booster? It's at the very start

Get beside it like this:

Now run over the booster and jump over to the grassy area in front of you. Normally this jump is impossible but the extra speed is more than enough to pull it off.

Now just head up the hill and there you go. You've basically just skipped the entire first stage!

VOLCANIC CORE (credit to koop439, he showed this to me. however I did skip some steps here to make it a bit faster) For the first bit of the level you can just play normally, but stop when you reach this booster:

You'll want to boost and jump over to that darker looking cliff right there, then climb up it to reach the lighter one. You should end up here.

Now take a left (right if you're looking at it from my angle). Follow the cliff till you hit a dead end. Once again you'll need to climb, but this time we'll go around, not over.

You'll end up here:

Now keep following the cliff until you reach this drop-off. Jump down and you've finished the stage!

ABANDONED KINGDOM (once again credit to koop439, he found this one too) To start things off, you're gonna want to jump up on this pole here. Like the WP skip, it's at the very beginning.

Next, you'll need to jump from there to here. This jump is a bit tight and if you miss there is a 99.9% chance you will die, so try to be careful.

And finally, jump down to the grassy spot in front of you.

Now just run through the last little path and that's it! You skipped right to the underwater area!

BACONHAIR BASE: FOURTH BIG SKIP COMING SOON????? stay tuned i'm still investigating this one it has been 2 weeks and i still cannot figure this one out

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Final(?) major rule change, runs will be retimed soon

I've been thinking about something I've been suggested for months and I've decided to finally do it. Moving during a load screen in a full game run no longer results in rejection but will instead just add that loading screen to your loadless time. Because DQ'ing people for accidently pressing a butt

2 years ago