Game in slow mo
5 years ago
Bretagne, France

Hey guys

Trying to speedrun tournament mode actually but i have a problem.

Sometimes, the game run in slow motion, like when Hazards appears (mainly the planes on desert map) and when i use some special move... it's really annoying, it feel like i lose tons of FPS for a short moment.

I don't remember this back in the days... maybe a dosbox problem?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my meh english :)

Tenka 이것을 좋아함
Bretagne, France

"Fixed 14500" in dosbox config seems to be the problem...

Tenka 이것을 좋아함
New South Wales, Australia

Hey dude .. sorry I missed this. Unfortunately's notification system is broken as of currently ... looks like you figured it out though. Feel free to hit me up on Discord if you have any further questions.

Bretagne, France

Hey mate, no problem !

Well the problem are the rules, i have to play with "Fixed 14500" cycles... But if i want to fix my problem putting cycles on auto, speed is not the same. And even if i adjust the speed in the game, i suppose it's not allowed for the speedrun, isn't it?

I really want to speedrun OMF, it means a lot for me, but this slow mo problem is a pain :(

Thanks in advance!

New South Wales, Australia

Yea the Fixed 14500 cycles is required for the speedrun unfortunately. You are allowed to set the in-game speed to maximum (in the in-game options).

The brief "loss in framerate" that occurs with some hazards and some events is just how the game is programmed, not much you can do about it. We do all deal with it though, so you shouldn't be suffering any kind of unfair disadvantage. (I am curious just how bad you are talking though ... do you have any recorded footage I can look at?)

Unfortunately this game does literally nothing to regulate in-game speed so you end up with performance that differs from PC to PC if you use Auto or max cycles. We do have an "any%" category which allows any cycles settings if you wish to run that category, but the optimal route (going all out max) gives you some ... crazy gameplay ... lol.

If you wanted to adjust the in-game speed to lower than maximum while still running on fixed 14500 cycles .. I think we could adjust the rules to allow it.. it would probably just put you at a disadvantage though because we are running on max in-game speed.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
Bretagne, France

Oh I did not know everyone had this problem! If so, I don't see any problem then.

I'll send the video in the weekend, don't have too much time in the moment!

Thank you for your answer mate

Tenka 이것을 좋아함
New South Wales, Australia

No problem,

I also recommend joining the Discord, you can get in contact with us easier there (since notification's arent working). Otherwise I am also pretty active on Twitter and Twitch as well ... send me a message anytime and I will help you out. ;)

Bretagne, France

Ok, thanks mate !

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