Accurate Timer Splitting with Macros (Within ~4ms)
Accurate Timer Splitting with Macros (Within ~4ms)
업데이트됨 7 years ago 작성자 Rektroth

THIS GUIDE CAN ONLY BE USED IF YOU HAVE EITHER A KEYBOARD OR MOUSE THAT HAS PROGRAMMABLE BUTTONS THAT UTILIZE SOMETHING CALLED "MACROS". I do however believe that something similar can be done without such hardware, perhaps using some of the software in this link:

In my runs, I decided to use LiveSplit for getting accurate times and splits. However, I'm unexperienced in making autosplitters, so I tried to find ways to make hand timing more accurate. Since I have a mouse with custom programmable buttons, it's actually really simple for me. If you have something similar, either on a keyboard or a mouse, you can do the same.

(Warning: This obviously is still a hand time, and technically still not 100% accurate. Due to the way the software I discuss in this works, I calculate about an average 0.004 second delay after hitting the start/split/stop buttons.)

  1. You should set whatever key you want to be the start/split/stop key for the timer software.
  2. In your device's driver software, program one of the buttons to act as the space key and whatever key you're using to start/split/stop your timer. (Make sure the key you use for the timer is the one it hits FIRST, otherwise the timer will start a very small fraction of a second after you start the game.)
  3. Program another button to act as the F key and the start/split/stop key. (This time, make sure the key for your timer is LAST, otherwise the timer will stop a small fraction of a second before you finish the game.)

The button programmed to act as space can be used on the main menu to start both the timer and the game at the same time. The button programmed to act as F can be used to interact with The Orb in each level and to split/stop the timer at the same time.

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게시 일자 7 years ago
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