Two 7-Year Records Just Shattered in Twisted Metal 4!

A Rookie Speedrunner, who has only been on the site for a single year, has brute forced their way to the top of the board for Twisted Metal 4 just in time for the new Season 2 of the Twisted Metal show!

Two 7-Year Records Just Shattered in Twisted Metal 4!
발표됨 3 days ago

User @AudiblySmiles A.K.A Mikuze (Das me!!!!!) has managed to topple the records in Glitched% and Glitched% with AI ally that both stood for 7 years nearly uncontested! Smiles started their Speedrunning career in the very same Front Page featured category that they now have the gold in. There are almost zero guides for these old games, no set-in-stone routes for each level & no skips just like in the old days!!!

Now for those of you who are new to Car Combat and Twisted Metal 4, let me give a small explanation about the genre and the game in question. Car Combat games are essentially fighting games mixed with Arena Shooters but the characters are the cars. Generally, the games are known for doing inputs for special moves just like using meters in fighting games, and even rely on their own similar kind of meters. They are known for high speeds and reliance on pickups across each of the maps - you can even ring people out!

Twisted Metal 4 by 989 Studios is a very colorful and arcade-y style game in the Twisted series, it has a ton of characters from previous games, and even the most famous character (Sweet Tooth) known for his flaming head is the final boss of Twisted Metal 4. Additionally, this is the only reason this run is possible in Glitched%! The game is incredibly action-y and notably inconsistent in its gameplay against AI opponents. This does imply that the games are multiplayer and well they are! There is a boss every level of this game and the enemies always spawn in random spawn points and can have drastically different levels of aggression each playthrough. You always fight the same amount of characters per level and the pickups are always in the same places.

In the runs for these games, you use proxy spawning of bosses, map knowledge, and the biggest factor of this whole run...The Rear Attack exploit!!!!! It's normally just a regular input like all the others but it can let you fire a weapon with an empty inventory so you can fire an ideal weapon using meter over and over, increasing the DPS exponentially compared to normal gameplay.

Check my channel out!

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