In unlock all characters, you are allowed to play the games in any order, but are you allowed to play multiple games at once?
During the melee run I think it would be best to be able to play another game during the 5 hour wait for melee, so basically you would start with Melee and once you are at getting MewTwo you start 64 or WiiU (cause they take less time than Brawl) and than go from there. but I would say it would be smart to keep track of how much time you have for mewtwo. so that you dont waste time for the melee segment if that makes sense
Indeed. That was actually what I was planning on doing, I just wanted to make sure it is allowed. Although I've found out my copy of melee isn't working anymore, so I need to go get it cleaned or get a new copy :(
Rip, I know the feel lol. If you havent joined the smash discord you totally should so we can discuss strats and what not :3