mod note: POTC - ejpman: 1:10:48 LSW2 - Rapho: 41:48 LHP1-4 - Herasmie: 47:40 LSW3 - Tooad: 1:12:59 LHP5-7 - GingerLegend: 1:41:39 LB1 - Scynor: 1:07:55 LSW1 - Hydrus: 33:57 LIJ - hotrodzod: 49:46 TCS - Zacc: 1:20:33 LIJ2 - WiiSuper: 47:52
Retimed to 10:15:00 due to clock error on WiiSuper's side (+2s) and due to LB1 starting before LHP5-7 was finished (+3s)
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