No Hit in 6m 18s by

Finally a sub 06:20 min run!

The only ugly thing about this run is the first round against Raiden. Considering the pattern Raiden openned the round with, it should have ended at 90 on the clock, but bad rng caused it to be an 84 making me loose around 3 to 3,5 seconds.

Still the way I got perfect rng and execution for E1, E2, E3, Goro and instant morph from Shang Tsung in both rounds, although not into optimal characters (Liu Kang, Kano or Raiden), amazes me.

Basically, considering optimal fights, I lost around 9,5 seconds before Endurance 1 and then lost only 1,5 seconds up to the end of the game, and this time loss was against Shang Tsung.

It's normal to loose a lot of time in 1st half of the game (It's common to reach Johnny Cage with +10 on the splits), but the 5,5 seconds lost to Raiden alone was a bit too much.

I'd say it is possible to shave a few seconds more, like 3 at least, but given that sub 06:10 is not possible, I'm probably sticking with this despite the ugly 1st round against Raiden.

In regards of the splits, I actually was comparing the run to my regular PB which doesn't have restrictions, so that's why it seems like I'm always behind.

As I'm still pursuing a low 05:5x for the regular cathegory I may try to improve this run if I get a Scorpion Tower, but I will probably not keep going after I get my goal on the main cathegory.

No Hit
Johnny Cage
6m 18s
6 months ago
USA / NTSCArcadeᴇᴍᴜ
상세 정보
6 months ago
6 months ago