The Level Leaderboards Explained
4 years ago
Berlin, Germany

There is a huge list of tracks to compete on. Some of them were requested, so here is an explanation for the "Level Leaderboard":

The Cups: -"All Races%" is for every race in the cup and the numbers 1-30 stand for the individual races in the cup. For individual races the time shown at the end counts. For "All Races%" the timer starts if you click on the race and ends if you cross the finishline of the last race.

The Maps: -"Best Lap" is for the best lap overall. Can be a sitting or flying start, so it can be on any lap of any race on this Map. -Useful for that could be to que up by yourself which allows you to use any car with max upgrades on any track (not reverse tracks). You have to go to >Multiplayer>Wi-Fi>Host. -The Numbers 1-30 stand for the amount of Laps. Since there are already categories for every race, just "Multiplayer" Runs will be accepted with 1, 3 and 5 Laps.

Upgrades: You can set Upgrades to Low, Medium or High. The Leaderbords are not seperated BUT you can sort by Upgrades to see who is the fastest with XXX Upgrades. For the "Cups" the Upgrades are allways set to High, since we cant compare all kinds of Upgrades.

If you still have any questions, post them here OR in our discord:

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