Shortcutless% in 0m 47s 838ms by
When i first started running this category i thought sub 50 would be impossible, guess i was wrong lol Im not expecting this to stay as the WR for long since there are at least .7 seconds of improvement(mainly in the second checkpoint, you can get like a 18.5 on it)
Leaderboard Updates 05/06/24
Hey everyone,
I'd like to start this announcement with an apology. During the last couple of months I was not able to help out on the leaderboard and as I am currently the only moderator that meant a lot of updates were not brought to the site, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for this. H
최근 플레이
레벨: Prototype Lobby
레벨: Bedwars
레벨: Prototype Lobby
레벨: The TNT Games
레벨: Prototype Lobby