Rules update: co-op runs now require showing a player exiting the end
4 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

Time now ends when we see a player on recording enter an exit end portal. This means that if you only have one person recording, and they are in the overworld when the dragon is defeated, they must enter the end and then go into the portal. We recommend having several recorders to make sure that the end of the run is recorded.

Emancyphur, Lowder, 그리고 KilleDragon 이것을 좋아함
게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Updated Legal Mods
  • (1.16.1) SpeedrunAPI 1.1: add some features for developers

  • (1.16.1) Atum 2.2.1: fix copying unzipped datapacks

22 days ago
최근 쓰레드
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