3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

mods abuse power on this game.

mod approved my run to be wr. then beat it. i beat it back but then was rejected for doing the same route i did before whicu was approved by the same mod.

i did rerun to beat her again and complained.

mod then decided again to alter a rule after the fact to nerf my time. she decided although her runs dont need ms timing. mine do.

pure mod abuse. expect your runs to be rejected for made up after the fact rules or nerfed so the mod can keep her records

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

@GuildMasterTV please address your mods actions


It seems Nakh didn't see you use "Tutorial Skip" the first time which is why they accepted it then, sorry about that mistake. By loading a level to skip a tutorial then exiting, you are no longer starting from a New Game, you have played on the file already. A New Game for this game is a cleared browser cache or loading it in incognito mode. This is why that skip is banned now.

As for timing issues, Nakh has never modded for series game before but they requested this game so they got modded and they are new and prone to many mistakes. I'm trying to monitor what I can with what happens in this game but it's not easy.

The Community and discussion for this game happens in the LEGO Speedrunning Discord server. It's the fastest way to asks questions and clear any confusions. Hope this helps explains the situation.

Moderators of LEGO games are part of a larger community and would never have the ability to abuse power.

sami, Snolid_Ice 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함
Phoenix, AZ, USA

so why was milliseconds which was not an option when i submitted. added after i submitted to add an extra half second?

why are the others not retimed then.

why are my runs treated differently then the mods?

Phoenix, AZ, USA

treat all runs the same is all i ask.

since mine are treated differently and nerfed and rejected arbitrarily. i call mod abuse.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

go add the extra times to the other runs. update the rules again so it reflects the new change again.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

cant wait to see tbe next rule change on my next submission.


편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

also noted retimed my run it had nearly 2 seconds added extra. so why not time runs accurately?

time stops at the finish line according to the rules. not at the victory screen. but

the abusive mod added extra time to the retime and added ms where rhey had to edit the game.

explain to my why my time is 2 seconds incorrect and added onto ky time.

so nearly 3 seconds added to my run against the rules.

its mod abuse.

Phoenix, AZ, USA


why was ms added to my time and why is nearly 3 sexonds incorrectly timed.

if a mod adding fake time to my run isnt wrong. please explain why.

time ends when clock stops. the tkme approved is over a second aftwr i stopped the clock.

i want my run accurately timed and not nerfed. gonna take rhis up with src. u cant tell me rhe times are right cause i verified them.

Indiana, USA

If you have complaints about the mod team or issues with the way the board is being moderated, you should join the Lego Speedrunning discord to discuss these issues. The forums are not the best place to have a proper conversation.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

i submitted an src ticket and left s messege in their discord. will have them arbitrate

after finding fake time added to my run. im done. thats way over the line. the miliseconds ya can say new rule. but there is fake time added. that's disgusting.

can hate me if ya want. but having an inaccurate board out of a grudge is wait for it. mod abuse.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago

@Fioresa I've retimed your run and also got a 3:34, I think there was a misunderstanding with the rules when you read it so I tried to clarify it, it is when you select play on the first track. The rules were actually written by neither Nakh or I, but the old moderator of this game who deleted their runs so their reference runs for others aren't here anymore. It's timed that way because you have to spam to get the car you need so you are technically engaged with the game and that's why that track selection is basically this game's "New Game" button.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

thats fair. i retract my statement. and ty for adjusting the miliseconds.

im good at this point.

would ask why it wasnt timed that way on my previous run. but think that was already established.

feel free to delete the last 2 threads. closed the src tickets.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
GuildMasterTV 이것을 좋아함
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