Any% (Easy) Notes by RebelDragon95 (Updated 16/01/2022)
Any% (Easy) Notes by RebelDragon95 (Updated 16/01/2022)
업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 RebelDragon95

DISCLAIMER: These notes do not include every single objective that appears, just highlights the important chains and taxis/menus as appropriate. Feel free to take a copy and amend as you see fit if you want more detailed notes.

Lost Judgment Any% (Easy) - Return to Yokohama 99 is always commercial district then top option Return to Yagami Detective Office is always Pink Street (Rest on sofa hitbox outside office)

Prologue: Kosuke Tailing and Crane Tutorial Window on building and then pipe in back alley Stealth Tutorial Kosuke Fight/Tiger Tutorial and EX Tutorial Kosuke Chase Bar Fight Take trip to Ebisu Pawn for Battle Innerwear before going office

Chapter 1: Go to Yokohama 99 Go to Chinatown then to food place Top Left, bottom left then end converstaion with principal Go to the school and follow markers Investigate Koda fully in class Follow markers then top option with principal School Stealth Buy Attack Lv 1 and equip wristbands Step up speakers then fight students (Mortal Counter Tutorial)

Chapter 2: Show principal the secrutiy footage Teacher room, look at photo on Sawa's desk Follow markers and do fights All options but EX one on MRC girl Look at poster then left option Go to MRC clubroom Go to dance club, impact then kung fu Teacher room, look at photo on Sawa's desk Buy Attack Lv 2 & Hidden Tiger Arts 1 Fight Students (Grab book on roof - Verge of Death: Wounded Tiger)

Chapter 3: Taxi 6 up mash x then Arachnid Man - ask all then look at his ass Plage Taxi - 6 down then mash X (not marked on map) White Masks fight - Buy Attack Level 3 and Rising Blow Look at Mikoshibas photo Kuwana Fight

Chapter 4: Crime Scene Taxi - 6 up then 2 up then mash x Enter Crime Scene, Investigate then talk to Watanabe (All except the building owner) Akaike Chase Wiretap Taxi - 2 down then 2 up Present badge to the man Go to car and point device at it Visit Truck by Vocational School and buy EX Power Booster, Battle Boxer S & Safety Belt Train Platform Investigation Detective Dog White Mask Chase Menu in Tesso Fight - EX Burst Attack, Verge of Death: Wounded Tiger, Triple Finisher for Tiger Equip all equipment Fight Tesso then Escape Liumang Members Show Ehara Mikoshiba photo (Alive) Taxi to office

Chapter 5: Top option for Saori then show blind spot on camera map Buy lv 4 in attack Taxi to RK place (theater square) - 6 up Club room stealth & fight Mamiya vist - Bottom right option, look at her and the kid then show her murder footage Talk to Saori, top right then station map show dotted line then bottom right then left options

Chapter 6: Saori walk - "I wanna get wild" then "don't owe you a name" Pass time aka mash anywhere on taxi map Follow markers then talk to principal Taxi to Sawa's - x then down x

Chapter 7: Buy Hidden Tiger Arts 2, lv 5 Attack after Akustu first fight/fight after that (depends on how much bonus sp you get) Fight Akustu and RK members outside Sawa's Apartment then in Warehouse Return to Sawa's Apartment

Chapter 8: Investigate Sawa's dead body and house Left to Tsukumo Kuwano's House Taxi - 3 up then 2 up Kuwano's House Investigation - Look at ashtray then ciggy pack Fight RK Members Chinatown Taxi - 1 down then 1 down Fight Soma

Chapter 9: Survive Taxi - 5 up then mash x Top left option on old guy Fight Tesso and Liumang Members Investigate Video then yearbook Mamiya left option then show video as evidence Charles - left then taxi to Pink Street Kuwana Chase Fight Kuwana's Students

Chapter 10: Taxi anywhere to kill time Mamiya - trace element inspection report, transit card, eye witness smartphone footage, murder video Ehara - murder footage then down left option top option (we should listen to Saori) Kill time with taxi anywhere then back to Yokohama 99 Chinatown taxi - 1 down then mash x Buy Lv 6 in Attack, EX Boost Lv 1 & 2, Ex Extension Lv 1 & 2, EX Reversal Tiger on Watanabe Fight Watanabe Taxi to Geomijil - 6 down Geomijil Stealth & Fights Taxi to Geomijil - 6 down then down 1 Talk to gang right option (public secrutiy) then right (working with Reiko) Kuwana Fight Construction Site Taxt - 3 down then mash x RK fight

Chapter 11: Reiko in car up then right then left then down options Prosecutor right (verdict wrong) then station map evidence Go to Genda Law via Taxi (top option) Left option for Saori then say all ready Pick anything in club (twice) Buy Boost Ex Lv 3, Ex Extender Lv 3, Grip Gauge Lv 1, Ex Burst Dodge, Ex Burst Adamantine Akutsu & RK fight

Chapter 12: Taxi to Charles - 4 down Taxi to Earth Angel - 1 down Find light switch in building then type in door code - 0508 Climb building and throw rope to the boys Rooftop Stealths Fight RK Members Taxi to Liumang base - 6 down and 1 down after Yokohama 99 Taxi - 1 down then mash x after going to Liumang Path Boat Fight

Finale: Buy EX Burst: Immortal & Hidden Crane L v 1, 2 & 3, Triple Kicks, Rising Vortex Taxi anywhere to kill time then go to Courthouse Ehara - Murder Weapon Ask the lads anything in Liumang base then stay the night Go to Yokohama 99 Taxi to Crime Scene - 5 up then 2 down RK fight Courthouse - Map evidence, top left (doubt credibility), Left (Jin Kuwana) and then Phone Recording "Buy HP if you want to" Warehouse raid Soma 2 Part 1 - Focus on Soma to end part Soma 2 Part 2 - use extract after mortal reversal Kuwana 3 (End time on final QTE)

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