Hi, i started running Loot Hero recently and wanted to suggest more categories. One thing would be 100% run, 3rd(6,9) dargon all Levels, 3rd(6,9) dragon level skips and Level 50 run. When someone has more ideas please write it.
have fun running Loveunicorn
Is there a way to get those new categorie(s)? Or can someone tell me where to ask?
And is there a way to get modded (just asking) :)
how do we get those new catgories ?
so like i dont want to be mean or something i just really want them :/ if a mod needs to do this then mod me :) I'm always on everyday for long times and i will make more ppl play our game if we want that
Hi, try to massage the mod or when he doesn't answer write in this forum http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7 or submit the run with the new category in the comment like I did with ng+. Hopefully we will get new and fun Categories to run.