Change to Sweat & Playlists
Change to Sweat & Playlists
게시 일자 3 years ago 작성자

heya dancers! you may have noticed that the sweat & playlists categories have been cleared and been moved to the legacy category. this is due to the fact that we're adding in some spice to the category. sweat & playlists now has two sub-categories, unlimited excluded and unlimited included. unlimited excluded means your playlists cannot have any songs that are accessed only through just dance unlimited, and they can only have songs that are in the game by default. unlimited included, on the other hand, means that your playlist must be exclusively songs from just dance unlimited. to make the challenge of the shortest playlist harder, that playlist must also only have songs that were introduced to just dance unlimited during that game. best way to look at this is to view the game's seasons.

hope you have fun claiming some new wrs!

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Removal of Non-Stop Pop

non-stop pop has been removed from 2022. the reason for this is that it's literally the same thing as quick play, just without the usage of the quick play feature. if you had runs in non-stop pop, they've been moved to legacy for archival.

2 years ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 3 years ago
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