Warning to all runners.
6 years ago
Virginia, USA

To everyone who is thinking about running Into The Breach, or is currently running Into the breach, Their is currently a bug with the in game timer, which we use to time the runs. I will not specify this bug because it can be abused to affect your time. We have gotten in touch with the developers to get this fixed, but the problem is, when they do fix it, their will be a possibility of an entire leader board wipe. I do want to say that this will be a "all or nothing" situation. Either every single run will be voided, or none of the runs will be voided, depending on how the developers go about fixing the issue. The reason I want to bring this to everyone attention is because I can understand how disappointing it is to get a good run, and it be voided shortly after, so please take this into account if you decide to run the game. We will still be accepting runs until the issue is fixed, but just be aware that at any time, we may be forced to reset the headboards. I will make a post on the forums the day of the fix, to give everyone at least a day heads up on what our decision will be. Feel free to leave your thoughts in reply to this post. Until it is fixed, I will not explain what the bug is due to the fact that it can be abused. Thank you for your time, and I am extremely sorry for any complications that it may cause.

Edit: I worded this post extremely poorly. It is unlikely that their will be any leader board reset, and unless you abuse the bug, the timer works perfectly fine. The reason for this post was to simply cover our basis in the case that there is a drastic change in the way the developers change the timer, if they change it at all. Please do not worry that this will happen, as it is extremely unlikely.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
TehArck 이것을 좋아함
Pennsylvania, USA

If i use real time would I still get affected by the leaderboard wipe?

Virginia, USA

Unfortunately this is an issue that we are still debating, we arn't even sure that we will be forced to do a reset, but for right now, Im just gonna say that yes it would still be wiped. In testing, we found that real time and in game has small inconstancy's with each other, sometimes its only a few seconds, one run I did, was around a 40 second difference. We were forced to pick a way of timing and stick to it because we could not figure out where the differences were coming from, so we decided to go with in game since its more convenient and in testing it was more accurate. I really should have added in the post that this is not guaranteed, and that this is still a debated topic, which is why I asked for feedback. I will say, that we will most likely not going to have a reset, the reason for making this post was simply to let everyone know ahead of time and to cover all of our basis just in case of an event where we may have too. For right now, it most likely won't happen, so don't worry to much about it happening.

TehArck 이것을 좋아함
New York, USA

If the IGT is bugged, just sort the games by RTA. if you acknowledge that there's a problem with IGT and still allow four out of five submitted runs to not have their RTA listed, I feel like you're asking for trouble. If you sort by RTA and the developers eventually fix the IGT, the runs can still stay on the board until you get a new PB.

Virginia, USA

The reason why we decided to not go with RTA until it is fixed is simply because if you don't abuse the timer using the bug, it works perfectly fine, I really messed up the wording of the original post and seeing the response I really shouldn't have worded the way I did, because it does imply that the entire system is bugged, when in reality it works fine, as long as you don't abuse it. The reason for the post was to more or less warn people just in case we may have too. We have gotten in contact with the devs and and they are fixing it, and it is extremely unlikely we will have to reset the headboards like I implied, again, the wording of it was pretty poor on my part and I apologize for it.

TehArck 이것을 좋아함

I'm assuming that if I just continue doing runs in a normal way, I won't do this bug by accident?


So I encountered a weird glitch that allowed me to skip a bit of part one of the final battle - from your wording I assume it's not the bug that you're talking about? Skip to 11:30 in the video below to see what I'm talking about.

Illinois, USA

That looks like a different glitch. Also, I just replicated it, so it might be worth a thread or post of its own, as it's quite a major skip potentially.


I wonder if it might have been introduced in the patch two days ago? Anyway, I feel like that's the kind of a thing that the devs would patch out in the future. I'd actually report the bug to the devs, though I'm not sure where to do that - I might just make a thread on reddit, since they seem to be active there.

(Also, personally I'd prefer to run without an exploit like that, but I know that it might against what the speedrun community usually does)

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Ohio, USA

I expect it will get patched out, but on the off chance it doesn't, we could decide on further splitting the categories, or just make the main category NMG (no major glitches).


Devs answered to my thread on reddit, so I'd assume they're gonna try to patch this out.

Île-de-France, France

Hmmmmmmm yeah I dont think this one counts

United States

Creating a glitchless category should be done very very carefully. A glitch like this does not skip any major content and saves a minute at best. If it's patched out later but future more-polished runs still can't make up the difference, you can talk about adding a "Version" variable that suggests that early-version glitches were exploited -- but I don't see this happening.

A glitch that allows you to skip an entire island, or end every battle on Turn 1, is a different story.

I believe the heuristic to apply here is, only include a glitchless category if entertainment value is severely diminished (due to loss of gameplay, or relying on RNG, or requiring a tedious process).

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
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