New strats
5 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

I've been going through the run step by step and i found some better strats for the ship and the hotel , which give you an additional arrow and a bullet which leads to saving almost a minute through the entire run. If anybody would be interested in theese I can post them right here.

Washington, USA
슈퍼 모더레이터EmeraldAly
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Please do. I encountered something like that once in one of my playthroughs, where I actually had 2 arrows, but then I immediately shot one in a place where I couldn't retrieve it :D

Pomorskie, Poland

In order to get an additional arrow you have to kill the last guy that I killed with a bow as soon as he spawns , and he does when you pass the trash can. It works like that because the game's spawning system is kinda delayed which means even if you see the guy he is not technicaly spawned yet , so by killing him just after he spawns you trick the game that you have no arrows to kill him , because you have already shot one , so the game is nice and gives one instead , to kill the enemy that is already killed.

Zavor94 이것을 좋아함
Pomorskie, Poland

To get the 5th bullet just before you are able to aquire the gas mask you have to kill 2 of 3 guys with a bow and one with a pistol. IMPORTANT* You can't go outside to them , otherwise you won't get it

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
Zavor94 이것을 좋아함
Pomorskie, Poland

I had to redo the second fight , because I missed a headshot , that was kinda bad , however if you do everything perfectly here it saves like 30 seconds compared to the WR video.

Zavor94 이것을 좋아함

Hey! I am so sorry that I've missed all this, haven't checked this site for a while. BUT, super cool that you have found improvements! :D That means a lot, as I have been the only one to find stuff for this game. Awesome to finally see someone go through this, after such a long time. I will DEFINITELY check this out and implement this to my run. Thank you SO much for sharing this, blaskoczen! :D

This made me want to come back to this game. SO EXCITED! :D

Pomorskie, Poland

I am the most excited about an additional arrow, it changes everything

Washington, USA
슈퍼 모더레이터EmeraldAly
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Might be moving up my list of games too :D There's games I'm preparing for submissions for the next GDQ, and this ain't one of them, but after that happens, I might just have to be all about this game. It's been long enough :D

Pomorskie, Poland

ADDITIONAL ARROW UPDATE! You MUST restart the checkpoint after getting a thing out of the ship , otherwise the second arrow is not guaranteed


Hey again people! :D So, since recently I've had cravings for this game again. Feels super fun to play it again, not gonna lie :D I have tried the faster strats that you made blaskoczen, they are good! I do them just a bit different for extra speed but its almost the same. Seems so slow to do my old way now, haha! :D

I did also find a new trick today that saves about 18 seconds if done properly. I will post a link to it here if you are interested! :)

Will do runs of this again! :D Hyyyype!!

- The fast way to get down the skyscraper, sorry for the Swedish 4Head

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago

Hey guys, so I'm new obviously however I have a few more skips for you.

The first one is before you leave the mall for the skyscraper, you just use a ledge cancel to throw yourself over this gap.

-Sorry about shouting

The second is an improved way across the slide on skyscraper, just line up against the wall and sprint, then wait for the landing animation and sprint again.

The last one is just running past a group and never stopping before you get to the circus, don't forget to say hi to them, that's the most important part.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
Pomorskie, Poland

Hey man! This is cool , its really awesome that this game can still improved.


Yeah, Zavor and I were theorycrafting during that run, and honestly I think mastering the ledge cancel is going to be the main way to improve the run, short of discovering something like a wall clip tech or finding the ability to remove the limit on how far you can fall, just that would open up so many options.


Another incredibly small optimization, is that when climbing down the fire engine at the start, if you spam the drop button before reaching the ladder you will drop and grab onto the ladder about halfway down, this is only about a 2 second time save.


I just love this extended/improved skyscraper skip, looks awesome! Kudos to you Panjandrm for finding that! :D I played around with it this morning, a LOT! I ended up finding an even faster ending to it, by sprinting of the pipes instead of running. This gives you extra forward momentum, enough for you to grab the ladder immediately instead of the lower red pipe first.


By now there are a ton of new strats and improvements compared to what's used in my current WR. Especially considering the extra arrow we now have, that makes some fights much faster. Adding that to the several faster skips we have found, and also some other small improvements and faster route, this would lower the WR by a lot!

I am planning to do a run where I explain all the stuff, so that it is easier to recreate for new, and current, players.

I am super excited! :D


Hey, nice to see this game getting even more broken. I glitched this game near the start of the year, as requested by Emeraldaly. I linked the video results on Discord back then, but it looks like I never posted them here on this forum. Better late than never...

Zavor94 이것을 좋아함

I like the Med box ledge cancel, and the subway ledge cancel, I try and cancel off that only to bars every time I pass through there, my only issue would be the health loss, sometimes going through there I'm borderline on slow walk health, but we can probably fix that.

The bow ledge cancel in the second vid is nice, the lower drop for that you can do a normal sprinting ledge skip, hot damn that large drop though, I might have to start picking up some extra health for that one. That ladder skip is really interesting, looks like we need an ass ton of meds now guys.

What the heck is happening at the 0:17 skip on the first video though, are you mashing grab as you fall or is it just teleporting you there? Great job on all this though.


If you run into the sidle wall after doing the trick, you'll warp back up to it soon. It should happen automatically if you get the positioning right. Sidle walls in general work a bit strange with the ledge cancelling.


Hey, AKheon! :D Yeah, I remember most of this from when we talked a good while ago. I just happened to vanish from the internet for a gooood while shortly after, I'm sorry about that <3

I actually do some of these things when I do runs nowadays, so your strats are coming to good use! :D It sucks that we never really found any good uses for those OoB's we found.

Regarding the health throughout the run, I don't think it's an issue. Or, it shouldn't be at least. When I do these strats I'm always good on health. And as I said earlier, a new run with all of our new improvements will come shortly! :)

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