업데이트됨 3 years ago 작성자 Delk

Robot Beach:

Eye 2 Eye:

1: Right next to the very first elevator you take

2: On the rail right next to the 1st coin

3: On the ramp that leads to the parkour track

4: At the very end of the walking section after the parkour track

5: Right next to the end of the elevator ride where the ball is

6: Very end of the coin lineage where the 1st coin came from

7: Next to the switch to open the door with Kyza Eye

8, 9 and 10: All within the Kyza Eye section. Impossible to miss

Heart Attack:

1: Where the first sentinel patrols, hidden inside a barrel

2: Where the second sentinel patrols, hidden in plain sight

3: Right before you exit the sentinel patrolling area, double jump to get it.

4: In the are where the big fan is, right below the surface that sustains it

5: Beneath a platofrm on the fan area, hover and jump (you have a jump buffered exiting a fan) to get it

6: Next to another platform on the same area, climb up next to it, jump back and hover to it

7: Where the Kyza heart is; in the middle of all the pumps that create its shield

8, 9, and 10: All in the Kyza heart section. Again, impossible to miss

Bomb Bay:

Grade in a Cage:

1: Right at the very beginning, in the platform where the elevator takes you.

2: Prior to the final area, where the ranx spawn inside a barrel

3: Same area, take the elevator up to the final area look to your right and jump. Inside a barrel there

LAST 7 are in final area

4: Right next to the elevator that takes you down to the final area

5 and 6: In the ramps you can take with the barrel to reach the end

7: Hidden within the glass door above the upper ramp

8 and 9: on barrels in the area beneath where you travel with the barrel

10: Right next to the cage, hidden in a barrel

Rocket Factory:

1: Very beginning area, jump to the left and take the ramp. Hidden on a barrel

2: Where the dogs attack you, build speed on the half pipe then jump back. Hidden in a barrel.

3: To the left of where dogs fight you in the room following the mini-boss

4: In the middle of the swimming pool (same area)

5: To the left of the rocket area where you're grabbed by the grappling hook. Jump to it

6: Get grabbed by the rocket and once you're landed turn back and jump. Hidden in a barrel

7: Hidden in a barrel on the closed area where there's a lot of flame throwers. Right next to a ranx that jumps off a barrel.

8: On the second big area with the 3 chains, sword hover in front of the entrance and you'll be in an area where a rocket-launcher ranx is. Next to it should be a glass door where the coin is hidden in a barrel.

9: On the final rail, jump and sword hover to the upper area with the barrels.

10: On the very final area, hidden in a barrel within a glass door.

Chase the Fuse:

1: Second ramp you take in the intended path

2: On the rail you take next to it, also intended path

3: On the wall climbing section to the left

4: In the middle of the wheel, section that comes straight after the wall climbing section

5: Before you take the chain, exposed in plain sight

6: Hidden in a barrel just prior to the half-pipe section

7: Ramp on intended path

8: Out in the open before the rail

9: Hidden in a barrel before the final rail

10: Where you grab the chain before landing on the Grade

Jungle Falls:


All of them are hidden in statues you need to destroy with rocket launchers

1: Very first rocket, right in front of you

2,3 and 4: Second rocket launcher (the one before the mini boss) one on its intended path and 2 where the extra wave of enemies hide (must destroy palmtrees to get to it)

5,6,7 same as above. Rocket area that's where you defeat mini boss, one in plain sight two where the extra ranxs area

8,9,10 Final rocket launcher. Two where yet another extra enemy wave hides, and the final one right behind the tree where the bee is. You must make a long u-turn to stall and let the rocket fall to it

Sly Ninja:

1: Very beginning of the level to your left

2: Where the first wheel in the area beneath it to your right

3: Using the rocket launcher to open the switch, there's a statue right next to you you should destroy

4: Using the same rocket launcher but with the door open, launch a rocket to the wooden gate from the following area. Hidden in a barrel there

5: On the wall jump section at the veeery top of it all to your left, or in front of the intended path

6: On the barrels next to where the sentinel is patrolling (area with a lake)

7: Beneath the area with the still sentinels that don't move, hidden in a barrel.

8: Right after the chain there's a ramp, use it to climb up and jump back instead of go foward

9: After you open the final gate sword hover to a high area next to the switch. Hidden in a barrel

10: Turret section, hidden in a barrel beneath it

Ride the Logs:

1: In front of the 1st lake, before you ride the logs xd. Hidden in a barrel.

2: Where you fight the first unskippable enemy wave, behind some palm trees and in a barrel.

3: In the mud area right after the unskippable fight

4: Same area, grab the chain and sword hover to the high area where the barrels are.

5: Prior to the miniboss, beneath the platforming area that leads to it

6: In front of the 2nd lake you see, before you ride the logs xd part 2

7: After the very long unskippable ranx fight, where you go up and there's a chain with a bunch of optional areas. Hidden in a barrel to the right of where you take the chain

8: In the area after you smash the coconut, to the left of the intended path after jumping on the rail. Also hidden in a barrel

9: Take the upper area path of the very same area and you should be able to find it

10: Right before you take the final chain check to the barrel on the left where a ranx spawns

Mountain Gorge:

Sneak and Destroy:

1: To the right after the very first unskippable fight

2: To the left right after the very first unskipable fight

3: Hidden on a platform beneath the area where the first switch is

4: On the second sentinel area right in front of where you enter

5: Right below the platform you're supposed to take to exit the 2nd sentinel area

6: On the chain in the 3rd sentinel area

7: 4th sentinel area, there's a middle ground between where both of them patrol

8: Right next to the rocket launcher

9: On the final chain before landing on a grade (be sure to not land on it!)

10: On the area where the grade is. Hidden in a barrel to your right

Crystal Cavern:

1: Right in the central hub


2: On the chain right after an unskippable fight

3: Where you do the high speed up and downs. Double jump to get it

4: On the final unskippable fight of the cave, visible in plain sight


5: Area where optional ranxs and dogs spawn, where there's half-pipes. To the very left

6: Rail right after the half pipes, jump to get it

7: Unskippable fight area right after the half pipes, visible in plain sight


8: After the lake where an unskippable fight occurs, visible in plain sight

9: You need to complete the ranx wave before the wall kick section to open up this area. Then, do all the wall jumps, look back jump and take the chain. It's where all the barrels are in that hidden room

10: On the very last unskippable fight right after a rail section, easily visible

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