Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite Any% Guide (05/08/2023 WR)
Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite Any% Guide (05/08/2023 WR)
업데이트됨 1 year ago 작성자 KlayTheGuildless

WR guide (requires perfect RNG): Mediafire

Safe-strat guide: Mediafire

These guides will guide (sigh) you from the very start to the credits of the GameBoy Color game Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite.

There is no glitch, no OOB (out-of-bound, when you go outside of the map), it is a really easy game to speedrun as its core mechanic is simply picking the right choice to progress further. There is little to no RNG (random number generator, self-explanatory) (sunflower seed drops can vary), so it is easy to get consistent and improve your PB (personnal best, your best time). Runs are usually shorter than an hour, with the current WR (world record, self-explanatory) is 42m 31s by loerie.

It can be run on any language, though the Japanese version has less characters per dialogue, and so is slightly faster than any other language. For this reason, and as I myself am not fluent in Japanese, this guide will refer to the dialogue menu as a grid. The right column of choices will be referred as A, and the left column as B. The lines will be referred as 1, 2, 3, ...

[A1] is green, [A2] is blue, [B1] is purple and [B2] is brown

For example, the guide will tell you to:

  • [A2] the right side of the tree
  • [B2] on the opening right of Bijou
  • [B3] on Bijou This mean you will need to:
  • face the right side of the tree and select the choice on the left column, 2nd line
  • move to face the grass opening at the right of Bijou and select the choice on the right column, 2nd line
  • go back to Bijou and select the choice on the left column, 3rd line

framerate is low because it's a big gif, the game runs more smoothly

Controls and tips:


Arrows: move Hamtaro, move in any menu

A: open the dialogue menu, confirm a selection in any menu, interact with some specific events

B: closes any menu, hold to run

Start: open the main menu

Select: ??? idr but it's not needed for the speedrun for sure

Some tips:

  • GameBoy Color cartridges are not region-locked, you can play any GameBoy Color game on any device supporting it (GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, SuperGameBoy, GameBoy Player...) unlike most other physical medias
  • Hold B to leave the Hamctionnary screen
  • Hold A to speed up the Collection screen
  • Hold B to leave the Items screen
  • Hold B while mashing A to speed up dialogues
  • Hold B to run
  • Do not step on the rock or the ice path as you will trip if you do so (Sunflower Park and Sunflower Market maps) (banana peels have the same effect, but you need to step on some of them to finish the game)

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게시 일자 6 years ago
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