New(?) Glitches I discovered
6 years ago
Illinois, USA

Yo all 3 people that follow this game, whats up?

So I was messing around with this game today, and I discovered some new things. So, I was showing my friend some of the glitchyness in this game, and he pointed out how Herc looks kinda like Tommy Wiseau on the pause screen. So, mid dive, while going up a ramp, I paused. I then clipped through the ramp.

Now, obviously clipping in this game has been known. But look at how Herc jumped forward mid pause to clip out?

I then learned that if you pause and unpause, your character can warp forward, often through objects. And while you can regularly long jump through objects without pausing, this is waaaay more consistent. If you watch Zenic's WR vid, he takes multiple tries at clipping through the gates in the beginning. With this, its so easy!

All you have to make sure is that you haven't bonked into the wall before you pause.

The most important thing ive discovered with this clip so far is this skip with Iolaus.

With this skip, you don't have to get the wheat, you dont have to turn it into flour, you dont have to talk to the crying girl, you dont have to save her black cat, you dont have to get the date pie, and you don't have to go through the secret entrance. Should save a few minutes :)

Here's the second glitch I discovered, also related to pauses. So we now know pausing can help increase your forward momentum, but how about upward? In the road to Thrace, you have to flip these switches. In the WR video, Zenic does a trick where he interrupts a jump with interacting with a switch, then gets a second jump on the switch, barely making it possible to get out of bounds and walk above the road. Well, Now you can get over some walls without the need of a switch.

It's actually pretty difficult, so I'm not sure if we should be using this over the switch method when there are switches.

Here's an example of me using it to get out of bounds on San Tomanicus.

I really want other people to mess with these glitches and see if they can find some other cool stuff! I'm not familiar at all with the middle and endgame, so if people want to try out glitches there, thatd be so cool. Thanks for reading guys!

EDIT: if you want to clip inside of a house, or anything with an interactable door, just run and interact with it before you hit the wall. much faster than pausing :) haven't found any use for it yet, as houses are all either in open spaces or up against walls

EDIT 2: Another weird little glitch I had, and I think I have a theory for it? So I was messing around some more with the timer in the tutorial (see my other forum post) and it looks like if you interact with something on the frame the timer goes out and the text box appears, you... jump? and if you keep pressing a, you jump some more. Its something weird I only had happen once, but I definitely was jumping with a. My theory is that the game originally had A for jumping, but switched it to R due to conflict with interacting with objects, but this got leftover. Just a theory, but super interesting!

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