Welcome to the biggest GTA: LCS rules overhaul. We have tons of changes and some of them may seem inconvenient. At the same time there's a reason behind each of them. In this post I'll try to explain everything.
Let's start with the main categories. We'll go over the rules that apply to all categories first and then talk about the category specific ones.
Timing starts on the first frame after choosing/confirming a New Game option (first dark frame after confirmation), or alternatively on the first frame of game starting flash screen loading bar getting full (happens in case of no save files being used for the game)...
That's right, we've changed it and here's why. The old rule was bad, because instead of skipping the cutscene you could just watch it and end up in a completely different spot (behind the car). Moreover, the in-game clock starts running during those cutscenes, so you could potentially get better traffic lights and maybe other advantages. Now it is going to be consistent. Old runs are going to be retimed by adding a constant value to them (we've measured loading times for all platforms).
Runs use the Real Time Attack (RTA) timing convention, which means it measures the real time that has passed from start to finish, rather than in-game time. Runs may be timed with an external timer (such as WSplit), though the timer does not have to be shown on video.
This rule wasn't changed.
Submission video must show the entire duration of the run from start to finish, including the menuing process leading to new game start (i.e beginning a highlight from 'Game' tab in-game, or on the confirmation screen isn't allowed), as well as showing the end of the previous failed attempt that runner reset before starting a new run, if there's one, otherwise the early game booting process showcase would be required for a singular attempt.
Should be self-explanatory. Starting from the "Game" tab is not allowed due to possible NG+.
Any save files loaded must be made during run Usage of cheats (including accidental) is forbidden
Nothing new, just stating the obvious.
Every failed attempt reaching at least as far as the Staunton Island segment requires a full game restart before starting a new run to avoid any invalidating NG+ effects Starting a new game after starter save load is only allowed with the saves made as early as before starting the 2nd story mission, because of NG+ effects.
Self-explanatory. The only thing that might change in the future is the deadline after which you have to restart the game.
Real hardware:
Runs that wish to be considered world record require a starter save load between each new attempt reset, or a full game restart in case of a lack of one, because of possible NG+ effects and for extra cheating prevention purposes. Loading/restarting process must be included in the submission video.
Runs that wish to be considered world record require an additional full game restart between each new attempt, because of possible NG+ effects and for extra cheating prevention purposes. Restarting process must be included in the submission video.
It is possible to keep cheats active even if Enable Cheats is off (PPSSPP). Restarting the game ensures you get rid of any effects. Keep in mind: if you're not going for a WR, it doesn't mean you can use cheats. If we find some fishy stuff, your run might be rejected.
(No) AJS any%:
Runner is required to show the run's IGT stat from the game's statistics menu after finishing the run to confirm the eligibility of the used starter save, in case of using one.
Runner is required to fully show game's statistics menu after finishing the run to reconfirm the completion of the required tasks.
Runner is required to show corresponding side activity/collectible stat line from the game's statistics menu after finishing the run to reconfirm the completion of the required task, as well as run's IGT stat to confirm the eligibility of the used starter save, in case of using one
While none of these rules should be absolutely mandatory they are going to make moderators' lifes much easier, especially with 100% runs. And since showing the stats menu is neither hard nor time-consuming, I hope the community will understand our decision.
All categories except any% AJS and ILs:
Arbitrary Jump in Script and/or Arbitrary Code Execution isn't allowed.
AJS is a good meme, so it has its own category. No need to try to use it everywhere, though. Also when I say "ILs" I mean for setups, of course.
Being rewarded percentage for the same objective twice is allowed (i.e: duping), but should be noted in the run comments for easier verification purposes
That doesn't mean you can stop at achieving in-game 100% - you still have to complete all of the objectives that give a percentage.
If you're playing on an emulator, there's a set of additional restrictions:
Usage of savestates (even accidental) is forbidden. Emulator only glitches are forbidden.
Self-explanatory. Making save states is also banned.
Emulator runs require showing emulation/cheats settings after finishing a run. (Settings -> System -> Emulation and Cheats sections) Fast Memory option must be turned on, Ignore Bad Memory Accesses option must be turned off and Enable > Cheats option must also be turned off.
Enable Cheats rule is self-explanatory and you can read about the Fast Memory option here. Ignore Bad Memory Accesses is close to Fast Memory in terms of allowing you to do stuff that'd crash the game on a real console.
The Frame Counter must be present on-screen at all times (Settings -> Graphics -> Overlay information section -> Show FPS counter -> set to "FPS" or "both").
Just to be sure you are not changing FPS in any way. Hardware related framedrops are fine, limitimg/changing FPS with external software is not.
Starter save file must be renamed to be put at one of the bottom save slots because of the way PPSSPP handles loading save files, starting from the very first slot, as opposed to PSP's loading of the most recent one.
Just to be sure you don't break the "Any save files loaded must be made during run" rule when you reset the game. We emphasize it here, because there're strats that require a full game restart in this category.
Now it is time for ILs.
Level runs use RTA convention as a main timing method, excluding races/time trials and the likes, that come provided with in-game timer, in which case IGT gets used.
It was confirmed that the in-game timer is not broken in this game, so we've decided to use it where it's possible.
Timing for time trials/races starts upon triggering/activating a race and ends when you complete the race. Timing for missions starts upon skipping the initial cutscene (cutscene footage gets faded once that happens) and ends when the mission has been passed (indicated by icons disappearing from the radar/hud and/or money counter ticking up upon completing the final objective of the mission, as well as first visible frame of main character appearing after skipping final mission cutscene).
Works exactly how it did before.
Only ONE mission instance is allowed to be active at any time; no duping nor instapassing. No unintended script execution is allowed to be used to pass the mission, such as executing the mission cleanup command during the mission.
Ditto. That includes AJS.
Any glitches used to pass the mission/race/TT with 0:00 IGT are banned, as well as any other possible method of IGT abuse.
In simpler words - don't mess with the in-game timer, unless it's RTA.
Cheats may be used before the mission/sidemission start (e.g before picking up races from the payphone marker) to make more convenient setups that are possible without cheats.
Don't forget that setups you make with cheats should be possible without them. If it's going to be not obvious for a moderator, be ready to answer a DM on srcom. Alternatively, you can explain the setup in the description. Also, pay attention to races: you cannot use cheats after starting a mission from the payphone marker. That's because we want to be sure you don't overwrite something that's forced by starting the mission.
Submission video must show the entire duration of the run from start to finish, including starting missions from the marker, or starting races/TTs from their respective pickup points (i.e races being picked at the phonebooth), and ending with mission pass, or later if there're any extra requirements. Starting from dark screen/mid loading etc. isn't allowed
Full IL setup prior to starting the race/TT/mission must be present in the submission video(s) for PSP/PSVita/PSTV (e.g including full process from marking vehicles for the IL and/or any other bit of setup necessary for race/TT/mission, and ending with the finished successful attempt)
We want it to be fair across different platforms. Since you can make save states using plugins on PSP and PSVita/PSTV, we want to be sure you're not using them while making setups, because it's banned. If you're aware of a method for making save states on PS2/PS3/Android/iOS, please, let us know and we'll expand the list. Note: you still can use save states before starting a mission, if you're playing on an emulator. It's a completely different "platform" with its own set of categories. But I still suggest to include the setup in the submission for easier (and quicker) verification.
Usage of savestates for runs is allowed, but only from a point before the official mission/sidemission/race/TT (run) start
The Frame Counter must be present on-screen at all times. Emulator runs require showing emulation/cheats settings after finishing a run. (Settings -> System -> Emulation and Cheats sections) Fast Memory option must be turned on, Ignore Bad Memory Accesses option must be turned off and Enable Cheats option must also be turned off.
We already talked about these.
And there you have it. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in this topic. As for the old runs: none of them are going to be rejected, but we will retime them (including obsolete ones) by adding a constant value. I don't want to promise anything, but this process will take around 2 weeks.
Hey, gamers! As many of you have probably heard, the beta version of GTA: Liberty City Stories was recently made available to the public. From what we've seen, the game is playable and can be completed. A lot of missions were tweaked a bit. While it might be tempting to do a run of this version, we