Homebrew Games
4 years ago
United States

What are all the homebrew games on this site (I cannot find any except for the Pringles games)?

편집한 사람 작성자 4 years ago

You can't search that through the site, but you can use the API.

This API link will return a shortened JSON of all games under "Homebrew" game type: https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/games?_bulk=1&gametype=z71pomxr

If anyone wants to search games under a different game type, this API link will return all the game types and their id: https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/gametypes

Just replace the gametype parameter in the link above to the id of the relevant game type.

Oh_my_gourdness, Imaproshaman 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함