Comment a superpower and the first reply is the side effect
United States

Just like on Reddit Ex for people that have not seen it Me:I can Teleport Reply: your clothes don’t come along

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함


SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
Somerset, England

@Bluestonex64 that you die once used

SuperGamer64, Oh_my_gourdness 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
United States

But you grow an equal number of fingers every time.

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 4 기타 이것을 좋아함

Immunity to Extreme temperatures

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
United States

But if you comment on active threads you get banned.

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함

Having Laser Eyes that you can shoot any you want!

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
French Southern Territories

@Parasxos your eyes can shoot any way that you want, not the lasers

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함

Good thing that is not Death this time

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
Iowa, USA

It’s excruciating pain instead

SuperGamer64, YUMmy_Bacon5 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

lung cancer

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

All of a sudden, you start Breaking Bad...

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 3 기타 이것을 좋아함
Pennsylvania, USA

Super Strength

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함

But it consumes 25% of your energy making you tired after each use

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Pennsylvania, USA

Infect someone with a disease you don’t even have

SuperGamer64, grntsz 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

The more fatal is that disease you infect, You are more likely is to get infected.

Also another side effect for minor infections, every time you infect get 2 weeks of 40% weakness.

SuperGamer64, grntsz, 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함