Timers on Linux
3 years ago
Baltimore, MD, USA

I've been wanting to start speed running games but I haven't found a timer for splits, does anyone know any alternatives that work on Linux and obs?


You can use LiveSplitOne which is a browser based version of LiveSplit, or you can run LiveSplit natively through Wine.

Llanfair is a Java based timer that would work, but it hasn’t been supported in years so it may not be the best choice nowadays.

European Union

You can use both NWSplit (https://github.com/Dregu/nwsplit) or my personal favorite, Flitter (https://github.com/alexozer/flitter)

I would not support LiveSplit through wine, it sucks. Also Llanfair is unmaintained and causes constant freezes on apple devices, so I'm sure it would be buggy on Linux too.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Matse007 이것을 좋아함

I’ve had nothing but good experiences with LiveSplit through Wine, but it looks like those other two are more native so those are definitely good recommendations I didn’t know about. I’ll have to make note of them for the future.


There seem to be plenty of timers for linux but imo most of them are not great. For now I still use Llanfair but tbh it's a bit of a pain because OBS doesn't capture it a lot of times so I have too restart it until it is discovered. I'd love to use https://one.livesplit.org/ but for some reason my OBS cannot capture it FeelsBadMan (btw hardware acc is off). There's also Urn and some other timers out there (mentioned here: https://www.speedrun.com/streaming_recording_equipment/thread/ccj1i ), the gitlab link seems to be dead by now.

I guess I'll also have to migrate to LiveSplit through wine at some point NotLikeThis


Why not try the two posted right here in this thread by @1?


I knew of them before and I don't like them ;-)