Idk what it is about FNAF but these runs take days and weeks to verify even though its a small amount of runs why is that?
Not upset at you or anyone for wondering why but I may aswell explain. Mild content warning and this will be rather personal so if you're not ok with that just know some shit went down.
Honestly, this game has been bad about verifying for a long time but prior to me taking over this game, I couldn't tell you why lol, but since I've taken it over a lot has happened (this has affected all the games I verify for too), really the biggest thing is that during the summer of '23 I was in an incredibly toxic relationship where just about all the things you can imagine happening happened, during the relationship I was (generally) unbothered and legitimately manic so I was able to take care of the amount of runs coming in (I think the fact that several people cannot keep up with what I did on my own doesn't speak to their incompetence but instead speaks to how unhealthy I was at the time), after my relationship finally ended I had lost everything in life that had mattered to me at that point and I've been spending the past several months trying to rebuild my life and only ~a week ago rejoined this community and I'm just trying to get myself back into things lol
Sorry that that's not a nice answer or if it sounded like a load of excuses but that's the best I've got lol
I'm so sorry Miss -( i don't know how to address you) thats horrible to hear and i hope you're ok please take as long as you need to verify runs - from most of our perspectives we had no idea and just thought its mods being lazy well some of us think that way but i really hope you're ok