Do individual level runs have to be done in arcade mode?
2 years ago
United States

Because level select gives you infinite lives, which arcade doesn't. Maybe if it's like, if you lose enough lives in level select and it wouldn't be possible to have that many lives at that point in Arcade mode then it wouldn't be valid? Like, say you do level select for the second level on Unfair and die like 8 times, well obviously that wouldn't be possible in arcade but dying once or something would be fine? Like, as long as it's possible in arcade.

I sure hope level select is allowed because I think it's pretty obvious what the problem with Arcade only is.

Anyway all that aside, glad to see individual level leaderboards up. Maybe they were always there and I never saw them before somehow.

Free Arcade Mode allows selecting a level and starting life count, so you don't have to play the regular Arcade Mode to run the level by itself. You can currently only start with up to 9 lives. ^ This mode is the best way to run for Individual Level categories.

If you do find yourself playing the regular Arcade Mode and getting a good time on a specific stage or more, you may also submit the full video from the start of the game (same way speedruns on here usually start).

But in the end, it's better and less complicated to submit IL runs from Free Arcade mode.

And yes, IL has been here since the Free Arcade Mode update if I recall.

EDIT: Post has been modified to match the following two posts in terms of submitting IL runs from full Arcade Mode videos. IL submissions using this method may need some more consideration before things are set in stone.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Aeihu 이것을 좋아함

There is a downside of IL run from Arcade Mode. If one IL run is a clip, not full video, You will hard to know the difficulty of the IL run.

Btw, If you want to know the difficulty of this run ( ), I will upload the full video.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago

Now that you mention it, that is true and can be an issue. If you have the full run you can go ahead and upload it. This may require some more thought, but perhaps in the future runners should just use the full videos so we can see difficulty and speed settings.

I didn't expect IL submissions to go this way, but I do hate to see them get wasted just because they weren't done from Free Arcade Mode.

Runners submitting IL runs via a full Arcade video should write down in the description when the IL run actually begins and preferably share a link that starts the video at that certain time.

EDIT: As of 2/5/2023 all future IL submissions from full game runs must include full videos. Again, this may need more consideration before finalization, but for now let's do it this way so we can see difficulty and speed settings at the start of the game. It's written in the game rules for the time being as well.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Aeihu 이것을 좋아함

OK, I uploaded it, it's in the Description textbox.

United States

I guess I didn't specify but by level select I meant "Stage Practice" mode. I somehow forgot about Free Arcade Mode. Well, that's fine I guess but oh man, restarting is gonna be sooooo slow! You'll have to exit to the title screen then input the code then select free arcade and choose the character/settings/level all over again.

Stage Practice and FA 99 life start can be considered as well. I have also been wondering if it is better to just allow these modes for any category when unlocked as the mission for the runner is just to get the fastest time.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Georgia, USA

Also, to get some ideas for some BnB Combos for the speedrun, the dojo is an excellent resource to use...


I think run with Stage Practice and FA 99 life, it's both ok. Given not many runners are running this game, FnR needs a lightweight category to attract more runners. As for run with Stage Practice and FA 99, it being unfair to who run with Arcade Mode. I don't care it, because my interest has always been Full game, not IL.

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
Georgia, USA

I also prefer the full run because routing is very tight and a simple mistake in routing and in how you execute in the full run kills it. ILs might be something I mess with next month, but not at this current time.

Aeihu is the one you go to for the record... I just add when possible.

After some thought, I should be making some improvements to the categories for Fight'N Rage on some time soon.

So what should happen is:

  • Go from 9 life start to 99 life start for Free Arcade Mode
  • Allow Individual Level runs from Stage Practice and have runners show difficulty and speed settings after the stage is completed
  • Make Arcade Mode and Free Arcade Mode separate categories for the three main characters, 2-player, and 3-player (probably safer for now than just mixing them)

How does this sound to everyone? If there is a disagreement, please explain in reply to this thread or message a moderator for this game.

SinisterSama 이것을 좋아함
United States

Yeah, I think Stage Practice is the way to go for individual levels. There is an issue though. The timer used in-game in stage practice is not as accurate as the one used in a full run/free arcade. So like, two people could easily get the same time so you would have to measure the difference in milliseconds with a separate timer or something...... Still, it's better then mixing Stage Practice and Arcade/Free Arcade since the game works differently in those modes. For instance, say in the club you take the pipe with you to fight Attary. Well, in Stage Practice when you enter the room the pipe disappears. Stuff like that makes it an inaccurate comparison.

Ideally the game would get an update that either puts the in-game speedrun timer in Stage Practice mode or makes restarting Arcade/Free Arcade much faster (Like, not kick you out to the title screen) but that's not happening.

And yeah Arcade/Free Arcade being separate for the main three is the way it should be for sure.

When testing myself, I was able to bring the pipe to Attary in Stage Practice.

What character and settings did you have? Did you start from the first area with the dobermans, or start inside the cabaret?

What other things have you found so far that, in Stage Practice, doesn't happen in the real game?

United States

Starting from Cabaret 2 with Gal/Unfair/Turbo on Stage Practice, the pipe does not get carried into the Attary room.

Also I thought the Doberman bouncers were supposed to give you time to attack them but after looking at footage from other chars, it looks like it's specific to F. Norris for some reason......maybe because he's dressed up like a ninja or something idk. But anyway disregard that first clip.

I'll try it again starting with Cabaret 1 to see if that allows the pipe to be brought to Attary for some reason.

United States

yeah it looks like starting from Cabaret 1 will allow you to bring the pipe to the Attary fight.

Auvergne, France

"Also I thought the Doberman bouncers were supposed to give you time to attack them but after looking at footage from other chars, it looks like it's specific to F. Norris for some reason......maybe because he's dressed up like a ninja or something idk. But anyway disregard that first clip.

I'll try it again starting with Cabaret 1 to see "

It's part of the "story" that F.norris get this happening, if i'm correct the doberman ask F.norris if he got an invite and he say "yes" then doberman say "show it" and you start the stage there . Where doberman wait you to show invite that you don't have so you punch them instead ^^'

Enoby 이것을 좋아함
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