All Prepper Stashes in 1h 11m 02s by
  • corrected time due to new timer starting point
  • Load times manually removed by moderator.
  • 14-04-2024 retimed by moderator due to rule change regarding the start point.

I found out that the starting homeopathics don't appear to be preorder bonuses after all, since disabling preorder content by unchecking DLC through steam gets rid of some explosives and materials, but leaves the 6 potions. Since you only need 6 to complete the challenge for 2 skill points, that reduces the need to get another stash before the plane. Also, instead of heading for a helipad, I head for a seaplane. If one spawns randomly I use it, but if it doesn't I head down to the dock between Swinger's and Vespiary.

There are some timesaves that I used as well:

  1. On Dutch's Island stash, explosives destroy the wooden barricade so you don't need to get the key. I didn't discover this, and I don't know who did, so if anyone knows please tell me so I can credit them.
  2. For Gone Squatchin', since I don't use the helicopter I can't land up where the key is, so I discovered you can time a series of jumps to skip about 3 minutes of climbing and grappling.
  3. Although I found it during this run without it saving time, in Fire in the Hole, you don't need to dynamite the wall for the water, you can jump along the rocks on the right side to save about 20 minutes. In general, spamming jump on rocks can allow you to climb up mountainsides. If you have a mouse flywheel and don't mind the inconvenience of having to spin wheel down to use parachute, you could probably bind jump to wheel down and climb just about anything.
All Prepper Stashes
Player Count Prepper Stash
Speedglitch All Prepper Stashes
No Speedglitch
Load Removed Time
1h 11m 02s
Real Time Attack
1h 16m 01s
6 years ago
상세 정보
6 years ago
6 years ago
게임 통계
최신 뉴스
"Speedglitch" subcategory has been added on all categories

Hello everyone!

Big_Jim recently shared a glitch with us that speeds up the game by about x6,5 speed. Because of this, we have created a new "speedglitch" subcategory for all existing categories. All existing runs have been put in the corresponding "no speedglitch" subcategory.

See this guide for

5 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 4 months ago
4 개의 답글
게시 일자 9 months ago
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게시 일자 1 year ago
4 개의 답글
게시 일자 1 year ago
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게시 일자 3 years ago
2 개의 답글
게시 일자 4 years ago
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