비디오 위험 상태
Another Massive Run - 39 Players online!
Only a couple minutes off of the top spot, hopefully we'll manage to get the World Record again soon!
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Save Game / Replay File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/drqqu0rag1ej5op/replay_save_almost_wr.zip?dl=1
Player List: 3vaL Ximoltus thuejk stefan_aka_woody LJack thep3141 SuperTux88 snoetje koziolek teomarx Thiske Garneek Cobai Uncommon_Nick Joe82 Phoenix27833 Dr_Doof KevinTheRed EiNoom sirwalter Mechrom xer dalvos Nefrums (Joined after securing the Any% WR same night!) Franqly P1tta vidate j555_sa Janic NAD4X4 balik CraftMania Ralp jmb-amsterdam BuddyMith Fiorra fusionfan Marenti
everLord (Streaming/Casting for the French Community)
We're excited to announce that the Factorio: Space Age DLC has been added to Speedrun.com.
You can find the leaderboards and all the related info on its