It's strange how they have this work but in Livesplit Layout Editor, click the + button and choose "Control", "Manual Game Time".
This sets it up for allowing you to manually add times.
Edit: Also once that is setup, you would want to right click the splits window, choose compare against, select "Game Time" instead of "Real Time".
편집한 사람 작성자
New "Single Lap" Individual Levels and NWC
Hi everyone,
We now have five new IL categories for the Selection A challenge races: Single Lap! The beauty of this is that submissions are still reported using the In-Game timer. These new levels will follow the same rules for all other Selection A individual levels.
Nintendo World Championships
최근 플레이
레벨: Track 5 (challenge)
레벨: Track 5 (challenge)
레벨: Track 5 (challenge) Single Lap