FullDemo% Complete Guide
FullDemo% Complete Guide
업데이트됨 1 year ago 작성자 hamtv12

Start timing and the run by clicking “new” in the main menu. Click the leave button as soon as possible, and then switch to the hand. Click the cable under the desk in order to be able to turn on the PC, then click on the PC monitor and move your mouse to about the bottom left of the door logo and wait for the login screen (make sure to click a lot so you make sure you press the Mellow profile as fast as possible). Put your mouse about here as defined in this picture. Keep your mouse there and click on the file named “asfghjk”, then click “Doors.exe” and wait for it to finish loading. Again, keep your mouse in the same spot and press the white door then you can just click the sticky-note that says leave. Click the drawing (with the hand) twice, the first to interact with it and the second to reveal the wall bank for later. Click the chair and spin 3 times to fully open the vent. Enter the vent and go through it into the kitchen and select the cabinet on the right. Spam click the left cabinet until Henry (big yellow lizard thing) leaves. Click on the fridge and do this: Click the hammer. Click the glass box with dice in it. Press the dice in this order: 1, 2, 3 It doesn’t matter what order you click the shape blocks, so here’s what each one is. Yellow = Triangle Blue = Rectangle Red = Circle After putting in all the blocks, press the enter button Click on the ghost thing then the key. Put the key into the keyhole. Flip the two switches then open the fridge by clicking on the handle Click on the cheese During the cutscene, put your mouse here so you can open the inventory as fast as possible. Click on the cheese, then select. Exit the inventory by pressing escape then go up to the vent to leave. Keep climbing through the vent and you get to the tentacle jumpscare, mash A to get past it. Switch to the cheese and use it on the mouse hole under the wall bank, and just walk over the cockroach and use the hand to get the coins. Like with the cheese, open the inventory and click on the coins then select. After exiting the inventory, switch to the coins and use it on the wall bank (this is way faster than talking to the wall bank). After leaving the wall bank, walk to the left to start the clockey fight. Put your mouse in the bottom left corner and spam left click to skip Tip’s tutorial. There’s not much to talk about the clock fight besides that every 3 hits that’s when you can hit the clock. After 6 rounds of just holding right click, the clock dies and you can now go through the door by using the hand. Walk down the hallway and use the hand on the second door. Click on the plunger and during the cutscene put your mouse above the red part of the plunger, then a bit to the left to be able to open the inventory as fast as possible. Click the plunger, select, then close the inventory by pressing esc. Switch to the plunger then use it on the toilet. When you get the text options, always choose the top one. When you get the prompt for the password, enter Cheshire and when you click “ok” timing stops and the run ends.

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