Made a guide/proof of concept post
6 years ago

I recently got interested in this game, so I researched a bit and found a few things that can be improved

I'd like to know what you guys think, and if I should look into some other aspect of the run.

thank you

Slamphibian 이것을 좋아함

Hello there!

I've read your post and i must say that i'm completely baffled at your dedication, in a good way.

I think the most important aspect that can make this game interesting to run is, in fact, RNG manipulation.

The rest of your research is also interesting although i personally think that mashing strats in an Elmo's game is freaking hilarious.

I'm going to keep a close eye to these possibly new strats but i think i'll only come back to running the game once a new record shows up.

Anyways, welcome to the memeland!

Tobür 이것을 좋아함

Hahahah, that's the best part of memeland games, putting effort into them makes it that much of a meme.

I'm currently seeing what kind of patterns you get from each game, considering I got the exact same pattern as your run I imagine there musn't be that many to go through,

What I imagine is that there are a table of different ones and all I need to do is see if there's a way to manipulate them by forcefully resetting the game.

Beruno16 이것을 좋아함

Just uploaded all I got so far

I managed to get a route for any%, but for now I'll have to leave 100% for later, Some more calculations I'm missing on something I realized about it.

I'll probably try running any% tomorrow. Let's see what we get

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