Reform/revival of this speedrun page.
2 years ago

Hello, if you have been following this speedrun page (unlikely due to how little players there are and how inactive it is) you may have noticed some changes recently.

I have contacted the moderators and i am attempting to somewhat revive this page. I am, however, changing the direction of it. To clarify, I will not remove any previous speedruns from the previously established categories (any% main quest, main quest new character, and vateshran run) although vateshran run is debateable. I don't want to erase any history so if my little project here fails it can be restored to how it was.

My new direction: I plan to essentially centralize this page as a group dungeon speedrun page rather than a more traditional main story quest speedrun page which most elder scrolls games have done previously. My reasoning is that, because the demographic of ESO is quite different, main story quest speedrun is severely less popular for the playerbase, especially the endgame playerbase who is most likely to end up trying to speedrun things.

The most active part of ''speedrun community'' you'll find in ESO is actually not on, and exists within the endgame discords. These are scorepushers who attempt to get the highest scores in 12 man trials and 4 man/solo arenas. This is quite competitive still, although activity has dwindled since update 35. Since there exists a leaderboard already ingame, and world record scores are already tracked in ESO-U's World Record page, I instead focus on a different niche with much more potential: dungeon speedruns.

There are 50 4 man group dungeons within ESO, and these have no formal leaderboard or scoring system. I personally believe this has a very high potential for speedrunning as it's largely unexplored (in terms of speedrunning), and relatively accessible for most of the playerbase as an endgame, in most cases it's the hardest content players will do. This leads me to believe it's an excellent opportunity to create some great competition and opportunity to improve strategies in these dungeons.

There already exists a few speedruns where people actually try to get the fastest runs in these dungeons (which I will submit mself) These are on youtube but not collected in any way like I plan to do here.

Again, to any older players who like how it used to be: I will keep the older categories, and if my project fails to attract any attention I will likely restore the page to how it used to be.

If however, this page attracts more attention, I might introduce the trial and arena speedrun categories although these are harder to quantify with's UI due to records being based on score (Still, the fastest runs are usually the highest score aswell, could just make a rule to complete all score objectives)

That concludes this ''announcement''. Also I might move the dungeon categories to ''individual levels'' as it's a bit weird having to click on each individual dungeon in the categories.

DRAGUN_exe 이것을 좋아함
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