Under New Moderation, Drive Mad Has Some New Changes!
here is the list!
Discord is changed to a new server
Rules may be subject to change
Runs will be worked to be verified! (We are sorry about the wait!)
gnrts 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
thanks for taking care of my runs, it usually takes me 2 to 3 hours to chirurgicaly time (with precision) them myself
Yep no problem! Can you add me back on Discord? sorry it's random but my user is homework#4955 I would like to speak with you! Thanks!
gnrts 그리고 Oh_my_gourdness 이것을 좋아함
New Version!
Drive Mad has been updated (exclusively on Poki) to have 100 new levels and an in game timer. There will be new categories for the new version, since it has an in-game timer and changes some of the first 100 levels. The last 100 levels will be added. Happy running!
Update: it has come to my attenti
최근 플레이
레벨: Level 7: Smash Hit
레벨: Level 1: First Gear
New Version
0m 00s 001ms
don't submit
레벨: Level 6: Tip Over
레벨: Level 26: Tank
레벨: Level 35: Around the World
게시 일자
2 개의 답글