비디오 위험 상태
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
I stop the timer at Mission Complete instead of on the white screen after the last hit on Gabriel
Mod Note: Run will be accepted this time but for future runs the resolution of the game feed in obs and the game will need to be the standard 16:9
Happy DOD3 10th Anniversary!!
Hello!! This past Tuesday 19th has been Drakengard 3's 10th anniversary!
The community organized a small hang out at the to celebrate it and we will be running some stuff tomorrow starting at 2:00 pm EST. Anyone is welcome
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