게시 일자
작성자Good morning, today a new version came out with added DLC, Port for phones and oh these are the leaderboard updates that have now occurred
- Android and iOS platforms have been added and have their own subcategory
- removed the XboxSeries subtitle from the subcategory so that the subtitle is not too long
- added Reunion DLC category
- SwitchLite and SwitchOLED added as platworms
Leaderboards update: Port of the game to Mobile and DLC
Good morning, today a new version came out with added DLC, Port for phones and oh these are the leaderboard updates that have now occurred
- Android and iOS platforms have been added and have their own subcategory
- removed the XboxSeries subtitle from the subcategory so that the subtitle is not
최근 플레이
레벨: Jester