Hi everyone,
I recently started learning Detention. Unfortunately, I immediately noticed how the PS4 version is way slower than the Switch version. Only in the Prologue (first two splits) I was already behind over 25 seconds despite a clean try and the fact that the WR holder goes to the wrong door in the first classroom.
I tried to compare the videos side by side and noticed that PS4 loses time vs Switch basically everywhere in the game, but mostly in the loading between rooms.
One example: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/5f086d0135994-detention-comparison-switch-vs-ps4.php I lose 4/5 seconds only from the Auditorium to the blood river.
Another example: http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/5f0869df7cff2-comparison-switch-vs-ps4.php Despite the WR holder goes the wrong way in the first room, she arrives 8 seconds before me to the Auditorium.
I was excited to run this game, but it makes no sense to learn it and try compete against Switch. No way I can beat that time.
Is there any chance you would consider a Sub-Sub-Category under "Console"? "Switch" and "PS4" basically separated under "Console".
Many other games separate console when they are different in loading and no IGT. One example: https://www.speedrun.com/re4console
Please, please consider this change. Thanks!
Thank you for providing this comparison Category has been separated into Switch and PS4 Also glad to see you want to try to speedrun this game Good luck :)
I'm curious if you're playing with the standard HDD for the PS4 since they are upgrade-able to an SSD which if you are on HDD would probably reduce loads times to be competitive if not faster than a Switch.
Thanks for the info. I might mess around to see how much time an SSD can save when I have some more disposable income to buy more copies of this game