Demon's Souls All Trophies Speedrun Guide
Demon's Souls All Trophies Speedrun Guide
업데이트됨 4 years ago 작성자 BertoPlease

A really big and time consuming project, if literally anyone uses it, even if just for casual trophy hunting, I'll be happy :) I do believe the remake trophy list is wildly different so this will likely not apply to that, but some things can still be taken for that. The video itself will have timestamps for the majority of the important item pick-ups and the objectives you need to meet; I couldn't include ALL of them, apparently there's a limit to the timestamps that can show in the player slider on Youtube, so do make sure to listen to the video as well. The video has a Google Sheet that I personally use as notes at all times, that will always be the most up to date version of my attempts, but I will post the current notes below. NaxHPL shared his outline of notes months ago and that's been the basis of these, though with many, many edits and reorganizing since then; thanks Nax! The dashes is where I generally split. Enjoy and good luck o7

Start Magician

Pick up the two sets of firebombs Equip catalyst and nexial binding, break chains, open shortcut, reload Pick up Cling Ring, Old Spice, jade hair ornament, equip cling ring, go back up Thief's ring near Ostrava, kill all enemies, use fresh spice, talk to ostrava Pick up scimitar, kill Phalanx, touch archstone and warp

Monumental (accept the mission), new moon grass, 4-1


Crescent falchion, souls remains Regenerator's ring, cloudstone shard, graverobber's ring Equip Falchion on fog gate, Adjudicator Get Stone of Ephemeral Eyes after fight, touch archstone and warp

Dupe: new moon, old spice, stones, Swollen soul Take duped items (only 28 stones), talk to Thomas Use a swollen soul, talk to Thomas again, give jade item Level up: 16 INT, 30 MAG, 3-1


Get 3F key, nexial bind, back to 3-1

Get 4F keys, ring of magical sharpness (equip) get 1F keys, Clever Rat Ring (CRR), kill reviver, get key, reload Fool's idol: four 1H R1s, flame, four 2H R1s Pick up baby nail after fight, touch archstone

Move Swollen soul to bottom of inventory as you run In first elevator: use 2 swollen souls, kill 4 guys holding up chain Unequip Nexial Binding as you fall, pick up Shard of Archstone (SoA) Free Yurt, fist backstab him off platform During cage elevator: use 9 swollen souls, equip thief ring Fragrant ring, throw souls remains for hand ball, mercurystone (shard, then chunk) Throw souls remains above tentacle, Kill lizard before bridge (Chunk of Moonlightstone, possible bonus: Pure Moonlightstone) 5 Swollen souls in elevator Kill 4 guys holding chain Put on CRR, take Soul Ray hit from Mindflayer on stairs, Maneaters

Pick up Moon short sword, touch archstone

Kill both Mindflayers with Flame Toss, kill crystal lizard Kill Old Monk, use two swollen souls as he dies, touch archstone and warp

Dupe: Yellow Soul and Shards of Arch Take out SoA (28) and Yellow souls, go to 3-2

Put on thief's ring, use 2 Yellow souls on elevator Get pure white world tendency event key above chain, use SoA

Back to 3-1, talk to Once Royal Mistress (singing NPC) Buy moonlight shard, ring of avarice Free Sage Freke, talk to him. Free Lord Rydell, talk to him, SoA

Lvl up: 17 VIT, 30 INT, rest into FTH. Buy Soul Ray and Homing Soul Arrow Memorize: HSA, SR and Water Veil. Go to 4-2.

Still don’t die more than once in Shrine

Pick up soul remains, trigger pressure plate, pick up darkmoonstone shard Enemy suicide, pick up Ronin's ring and hiltless Old Hero w/ HSA, use 2 Yellow souls as he dies, touch archstone

Take off Thief ring at fog gate Storm King, kill as many little manta rays are you can, use Yellow souls in downtime touch archstone and warp

Back to 4-2 Go to Patches, loot Makoto, kill black phantom, open door, SoA

Go to 4-1, talk to Satsuki, DON’T give him sword, say no twice and kill Suicide 4 times while picking up bloodstain Thief's ring, kill & loot Vanguard with HSA, use 2 Yellow souls as he dies Get Uchigatana, Adjudicator's shield, SoA

Lvl up: 25 VIT, 35 MAG, rest into FTH (at least 18) Dupe: Storm, Hero, and all upgrade materials (except pure stones) Store pure stones and all weapons except moon sword, scimitar, uchigatana Take Storm souls, Go to 2-1

Buy 1 hardstone and 1 sharpstone, suicide 3 times, warp back to nexus, back to 2-1


Activate elevator, go human, kill & loot Primeval demon Move Storm souls to bottom of inventory, then use Storm souls going up elevator Pull lever to continue, kill and loot bag miner for Clearstone

Pick up Meltstone, activate shortcut, use water veil before lava pool, skip lava Pick up Kris Blade, get Spiderstone shard Equip Kris Blade on elevator, then use Storm souls Kill Armor Spider w/ HSA and Kris Blade out, get spiderstone chunk, touch archstone

Kill bag miner enemy for Large hard and sharpstone shards and chunks Drop down plans, pick up Ring of disease resistance Throw soul remains, kill & loot Scirvir (Storm souls while dying), equip beast talisman Flamelurker with thief's ring and HSA, grab dragonstone chunk during fight, or after Touch archstone and warp, back to flamelurker

Get Dragon Bone Smasher and Master's ring Dragon God w/ 1 HSA, Storm souls as he dies, touch archstone and warp

Lvl up: 30 VIT, 30 FTH, rest into ENDURANCE. Go back to 2-2 Talk to Scirvir with Dragon Bone Smasher (Pure Greystone), suicide Pick up greystone (shard and chunk). Kill & loot giant bearbug (dragonstone shard) Pick up ring of flame resistance, Club Pick up Pure hardstone and sharpstone, SoA

Dupe Colorless, Dragon, and Hard souls. Take Dragon God, Hard and Colorless Store pure stones, dupe all others upgrade material Use 3 Storm Souls, then buy Dagger, Short Sword, Battle Axe from Boldwin Talk to umbasa girl for pure faintstone Learn all miracles from Saint Urbain, memorize Second Chance, go to 2-1

Buy max. hardstone shards, put on ring of herculean strength Talk to Ed three times, give Red Hot Demon Soul Dagger +10 | Shortsword +10 -> melt Shortsword -> Shortsword +8 -> Morion Blade Moon Short Sword +4/5 (if you have pure) Kris Blade +5 | Scimitar +8 -> Large Sword of Searching (LSoS) Battle Axe -> Crushing Battle Axe +5 -> melt BA -> BA +6 -> Dozer Axe Club -> Meat Cleaver | Wood catalyst -> Insanity Catalyst, SoA

Store all weapons except LSoS, crescent falchion, uchi (and moon sword if +4*) Talk to Freke, buy Fire Ball, take off water veil, memorize Fireball Equip thief ring, go to 4-2

Farm bladestone (shard, chunk, and pure), pick up stain After pure obtained, SoA

Go to 1-2


Pick up Winged Spear Pink up Ring of gash resistance, kill crossbow enemies, talk to ostrava Pick up Composite short bow Tower Knight w/ HSA, touch archstone

Reload at top of stairs near Fat Official Kill & loot fat official for iron ring of keys Unlock shortcut for ostrava, kill all enemies, loot fat official's hat, talk to ostrava (Pure Clearstone) Kill penetrator w/ HSA, touch archstone

Get CRR range, pull first phantom, kill & loot w/ HSA Throw soul remains, kill & loot other two phantoms, thief's ring back on Run past dragon, kill dragon with SR Talk to Regular Ostrava, then kill & loot Black Phantom Ostrava Spam Storm souls on elevator False king with HSA, touch archstone and warp

Dupe: Silver soul Store weapons except: moon short, LSoS, falchion, uchi, spear, short bow Lvl up: 20 END, rest into luck. Go to 3-2.

Suicide 7 times while HUMAN, equip LSoS and thief’s ring as you die Warp back via archstone

IF you haven’t gotten Pure Moonlight stone, go to Old monk archstone Kill crystal lizard with fireball, have LSoS out (repeat up to 3 times if needed) Touch archstone

Go to 3-1 Do Latria skip if on console or 30 fps, otherwise go around to where Rydell was locked Throw soul remains, kill & loot Rydell, equip thief’s ring, SoA

Go to 4-3 Pick up Cloudstone, kill & loot 2 crystal lizards with LSoS, Storm Ruler, SoA Kill Lizards again if needed (need pure darkmoonstone)

Go to 4-1 Throw soul remains, kill satsuki, SoA

Go human, then go to 1-1 Run down stairs to the left, kill Miralda Pick up ring of poison resistance, suicide Turn human, spawn all red phantoms, suicide again Kill Doran, get Demonbrandt, loot Doran, SoA

Go to 5-1, suicide 4 times while dropping armor, SoA Go to 1-1, kill & loot black phantom Miralda, SoA

Go to 5-1 Pick up ring of magical dullness Kill lizard (feinstone shard) and ticks (marrowstone shard and chunk) before bridge Pick up blessed mace Buy 1 widow's lotus, kill ticks above for marrowstone Kill more ticks for marrowstone (If you don’t get any before bridge with 3 goblins, shard of archstone and do farm again) Leechmonger, touch archstone


Pick up in swamp: suckerstone shard, broken sword, cat ring, more suckerstone (pure and chunk) Kill & loot Selen, reload after getting past big goblins Kill primeval demon Knock down slug cluster, get moonlight sword Dirty colossus, touch archstone and warp to Nexus

Talk to monumental for Friend’s ring, SoA (DON’T SKIP THIS)

Go to 5-3 Kill lizard on right (faintstone chunk), kill astraea, touch archstone, reload

Use widow's lotus when CRR range, kill garl, put on strength ring, loot both garl loots pick up pure marrowstone and mercurystone, SoA

Deposit stuff you don't need, keep Broken Sword, Uchi, Mace, Spear, Bow, Moon Sword* Go to 5-1 Pick up Istarelle, SoA

Go to 1-3

Kill blue eye knight Get bloody iron key from Fat Official, kill & loot biorr (shield & ring), thief's ring, SoA

Back to 1-3, put on cap, pick up accursed ring and magical nature ring Kill Fat Official, talk to yuria, SoA

Go down to Old One Kill true king allant, put on herculean strength ring, take soulbrandt, SoA

Dupe: Pureblood, Eroded and Wriggling souls. Then take Pureblood soul Dupe upgrade materials except Pures Store weapons and armor you don’t need Kill magic apprentice, learn all spells from Freke, then kill him Kill patches, kill blonde umbasa girl, kill other miracle apprentice Learn both miracles from Urbain, then kill & loot him, reload

Talk to mephistopheles and accept, SoA Learn all from Yuria, memorize firestorm (delete SR and fireball) Kill Yuria. Talk to mephistopheles, kill & loot her, SoA

Buy Dagger, Short sword, Heater Shield from Boldwin. Kill & loot him, Go to 2-1 Use Storm soul, and buy maximum hard and sharp stone from Filthy merchant

Go down to Ed Dagger -> Sharp dagger +5 -> melt it -> dagger +3 -> Quality dagger +5 -> melt it Dagger +3 -> Mercury dagger +5 -> melt it -> dagger +3 -> fatal dagger +5 -> melt it Dagger +7-> Needle of Eternal Agony | Short sword +3 -> dragon shortsword +5 Moon Short Sword +5 (if you only have pure now) Broken Sword -> Blueblood Sword | Demon/soulbrandt -> Northern Regalia Crescent Falchion +5 | Tearing uchi +5 | Blessed mace +5 Winged Spear +7 -> Scraping Spear | Shortbow +3 -> Sticky Shortbow +5 -> melt it Short Bow +7 -> Lava Bow | Shield +6 -> Dark Shield +5. SoA

Go below, turn around through fog gate for good ending, go into NG+ Firestorm Phalanx

Tower Knight

Reload at stairs with fat official again Kill & loot fat official, SoA

Go to 1-3, get bloody iron key, SoA Back to 1-3 Free Yuria, SoA Learn soulsucker

Run done, quit out immediately, but verify that you received Platinum trophy. (If on console, show the load screen timer clearly. If on emulator, you may need to reload one more time and split during the load screen, as I do in the video.)

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Important: Moving to a new community

Recently, some disagreements took place within the staff of SpeedSouls that we were unfortunately unable to settle in an amicable way. As a result, we decided that it is better for us to migrate away from SpeedSouls and start a new community.

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