This thread will keep track of the name and breed of every dog that makes it to Canada each time a WR is broken in any category. DISCLAIMER: This thread contains only contains runs that make it to Canada with a dog. Runs without any surviving dogs are not recorded here. For a full history of WRs, click on Statistics on the sidebar. Images for every common dog recruit can be found here:
[section=Special Dogs]
Carmen is the practice dog. She helps you practice the Final Day.
[section=Death Road Normal]
Giana arrived in Canada during CampingOnline's 35:45 run. She was rescued from an apartment and eventually abandoned everyone in a River of Death 5 Days away from Canada.
Harper arrived in Canada during knavesmith's 26:36 run. She was rescued from an apartment by a dog named Adolphus and eventually inherited the SUPERTRAINED crown 1 Day away from Canada.
Deirdr arrived in Canada during Scrublord's 24:00 run. She joined the team right before a 1 Hour Cabin Vacation and defied death in a house that was Close to the Border.
Tarah arrived in Canada during Scrublord's 23:49 run. She joined the team right before getting Stuck in a Ditch and defied death twice before eventually making it to Canada.
Lewis arrived in Canada during Scrublord's 21:59 run. He joined the team right before getting Stuck in a Ditch and survived a near hopeless house siege that was Close to the Border.
Jeffry arrived in Canada during Scrublord's 20:19 run. He joined the team before running through a River of Sludge and made it to Canada with a rotated sprite.
[section=Short Trip to Heck]
Chantell arrived in Canada during CampingOnline's 23:26 run. He joined the team right before getting Stuck in a Ditch and made it to Canada without ever becoming SUPERTRAINED.
Bridgette arrived in Canada during knavesmith's 16:22 run. She joined the team before getting Stuck in a Ditch and made it to Canada with 3 Vitality and a rotated sprite.
Stacey arrived in Canada during knavesmith's 15:31 run. He joined the team before running through a River of Sludge and visited a Toy Store 2 Days away from Canada.
Teodoro arrived in Canada during CampingOnline's 15:12 run. He joined the team before getting Stuck in a Ditch and was blessed by RNG with 3 Medical, the Paranoid stat combo, a Hybrid Car after collecting 200+ gas, and a Close to the Border Cabin Siege with a chainsaw.
Kristle arrived in Canada during Chillvix's 15:09 run. She joined the team before sprinting through a River of Sludge and was blessed by RNG with optimal siege locations, a chainsaw in a Close to the Border Cabin Siege, and a clutch zombie kill in the City of Crushed Hopes.
Dorsey arrived in Canada during CampingOnline's 15:02 run. He joined the team right before a 1 Hour Cabin Vacation and experienced a rare loophole in the bodybuilding judge's rulebook.
Bo arrived in Canada during ScrubLord's 14:05 run. He joined the team before sprinting through a River of Sludge and miraculously survived a Close to the Border House Siege.
Caitlin arrived in Canada during Scrublord's 13:06 run. She joined the team before getting Trapped in a House and never had to endure the struggles of losing her car.
[section=Quick Death Mode]
Maia arrived in Canada during MexicanWaffle's 18:26 run. She joined the team before getting Stuck in a Ditch and defied death 3 times during the journey.
[section=Short Trip to Heck (Co-Op)]
Anaya and Claude
Anaya and Claude arrived in Canada during Strider_Oak and BeastRiceMaker's 17:14 run.
Anaya joined the team before getting Trapped in a House and met Claude the morning after a Night Siphon. Together, they encountered another dog named Will and barked all the way to Canada.
Ishaan and Alois
Ishaan and Alois arrived in Canada during Strider_Oak and BeastRiceMaker's 15:55 run.
Ishaan joined the team before taking a 1 Hour Cabin Vacation and met Alois the morning after a Night Siphon. Together, they abandoned their owners in a Tunnel Gauntlet and barked all the way to Canada.
Krzysztof arrived in Canada during Strider_Oak and BeastRiceMaker's 15:34 run. They joined the team before getting Trapped in a House and witnessed the loss of a fellow dog named Haywood during a Tunnel Gauntlet.
Evonn arrived in Canada during Karrrisa's 16:24 run. She joined the team before traversing Rough Terrain and was generally just there to enjoy the ride.