just come up to me what if we made a new catochly i speled that one wrong didn't but anyways what if we have moddel% and old%
Hi Kaspercool, I'm very sorry about the lengthy delay, this just flew under my radar. Having different categories for different graphics settings doesn't make much sense as it doesn't have much of an effect on the gameplay. So, right now the answer is no.
I am considering other adding other categories, but I need to do some testing to work out how they'd work out and I am pretty busy at the moment.
If you have any example runs please post them as a link here and I'll take a look at them
Hello everyone!
As you may have seen, I have added a new speedrun category to this game, which is Any% Skipless. Essentially this run operates under the same rules as Any% but pressing the full stop/period and backspace keys is not allowed. As a proof of concept, I have uploaded and verified a run