Getting closer and closer to record. This run was golden going into Takoshima-5 but unfortunately I screwed up the escape section skip and died twice to it. I then died twice again in Tunguska-3. I also forgot to upgrade Gastro all the way before the final level which cost me Sub 2:19. But despite all that it was a hell of a PB.
** January 24, 2019: Run starts at 0:00 and it ends at 2:18:55 video time. ~Gustavo.Predador**
To Gustavo.Predador: I timed this run live starting from when I gain control of Crypto to the beginning of the fade out after Milenkov. The elasped time of the stream also corroborates this. Might you know why youtube is showing an earlier time? I'm kind of confused.
** February 02, 2019: I'll put the time of your timer, your run is giving 3 different times, the runs ends before the death scene of Milenkov, it is important the time you play, the scene (Milenkov's death) is not important. ~Gustavo.Predador**
** February 03, 2019 real time of the run: 02:18:49. ~Gustavo.Predador**
** February 05, 2019 this run has returned to the time of 2:19:12. ~Gustavo.Predador**