비디오 위험 상태
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
Low% in 15m 16s 083ms by
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
Frame counted to 15:16.000 in Vegas 15.
Mod Note - counted to 15:16.083
New Category: Any% (No Scroll Glitch)
What the title says.
Scroll glitches are generally banned, but unsuccessful attempts at Scroll Glitches, or Scroll Glitches that don't provide any advantage are given a pass. This is intended to allow runners attempting an Any% run but who miss the Scroll Glitches they were attempting to still su
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