OLD - Survival Games in 1m 33s by

Suck it Pickle

Line Dash is truly a work of art . The graphics and gameplay of line dash are truly revolutionary . The controls and gameplay are extremely user friendly . There is no game out there like Line Dash . I found myself playing Line Dash for 900 hours straight without even realising . All the grinding pays off too , because i can get into Harvard without much effort once i tell them I'm on a line dash leaderboard . I would definitely recommend Line Dash to every serious hardcore gamer out there . Line Dash has a better story and plot and a much better cinematic experience than any Oscar winning movie . Line Dash is God's work in disguise . We need Line Dash 2 right now . If i had to rate this game out of 5 stars i would say it deserves every star in the entire cosmos . Hearing the noises from Line Dash my grandmother asked me '' Am i in heaven already ? '' Hats , shoes , jackets and clothes off to this masterpiece of a game . My enlightenment was inexplicable bewildering for coming across line dash . I am happy i was able to witness it's creation in my life time . There are 0 flaws with line dash ... it has redefined video games for the greater good . I usually can spot a flaw very easily , but this game is different .... It changed me as a person . Seeing me play line dash , my cousin rose from the grave . On behalf of humanity , i thank the legend who thought of line dash . This game is soo stunning , it makes the Witcher 3 and every game in the Elder Scrolls franchise look like hot garbage . This was the best thing every created in 2020 . I was struggling with anxiety and stress before i found Line Dash .. it truly changed my life and I'm the owner of Microsoft now . Thank you line dash for helping me through my dark days . Cutting edge graphics and edge-of-the-seat gameplay . Line dash helped fix my marriage with my wife and i can now speak 500 languages and am living in a mansion on Mars . 10000/10

OLD - Survival Games
Teams (Survival Games) - O
1m 33s
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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