Notice: Milliseconds being added to runs under 1 minute
3 years ago
Georgia, USA

Due to the large ties at the tops of leaderboards and precision of individual levels, we've decided that runs under 1 minute will be timed with milliseconds from here on out. This may be extended to all individual level runs in the future. The exact timing goes from the first frame of the play button being selected to the first frame on which "Winner!/Too bad.../1st/2nd/3rd/4th/Clear!/Failed..." appears, or on the first frame the results screen begins to appear for Sliding Puzzle, Bowling, Golf, and Shooting Gallery. This only applies to Finish and Win runs; Master runs still end on the first frame of the "You've mastered X!" textbox. If you believe there is an inaccuracy in your run's time, please message me or another mod on or on Discord.

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게시 일자 3 years ago
2 개의 답글
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게시 일자 4 years ago
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