Admins are fucking clueless, how did they miss the top 2 players with their obvious fouls? i've made a video that goes in depth into the state of runs, and caught cheats in the community, its worth a watch but my biggest issue is with capybara who clear as day rigged his time and shamelessly holds the second place without ever completing a bowl%
please moderators, its tarnished the whole leaderboard and is a stain on the community
If you paid any attention or had any level of awareness about this topic you would have never made this dumb fuck reply. It's incredibly clear to every member of this community that you are someone who doesn't have it's best interest in mind. I said very clearly in a forum post inquiring about a similar issue. I said, "I take this offense very seriously and as a result I will be abolishing all rules from the bowl% category", does this sound like a "clueless admin"? I made a very clear ruling and have stuck by it since. I don't want to hear from any low-life like you ever again. Walk your sorry ass out of this community with your head hung low. Bye.