비디오 위험 상태
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
All Master Level Events in 12m 42s 280ms by
Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
Miss Fritter: 3:16.57 Mater the Greater: 1:43.81 Chick Hicks: 3:41.88 Jackson Storm: 4:00.02 Total IGT: 12:42.28
Mater was retimed as if the timer starts on 3:01.00 (which you'll notice it does if you look close enough)
Any% & 100% Added to Leaderboards
With the increase in interest for Any% and 100% speedruns, both have been added to the leaderboards. These are the first Full Game categories to be done with Real-Time Attack (RTA) as opposed to IGT (In-Game Time). While the timing methods for previously existing categories are unchanged, the rules
최근 플레이
레벨: Thunder Hollow Back Country Rally
레벨: Arizona Sundown Run
레벨: Fireball Beach Sprint