Run rejected despite these reasons
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

Before I get into this, I just want you to understand that I'm NOT criticizing the mods for this, and I don't think they would purposely reject a run for these reasons.

Alright. Let's get started. In this run, you can see that it was rejected. The note says, "Please note that all submissions must abide by the following (from the 6th August 2021): -Be recorded at 30/60 fps -Have audio to claim a WR. Show the FULL desktop to identify the use of autoclickers, including the taskbar."

I have so many questions about this, like:

  1. What do you mean, "record at 30/60 FPS"? I'm playing this through the website itself! And if this is because I WAS using the website, why A: is this even a platform? And B: Why did someone else have their run verified LAST MONTH using the web version and yet MINE got rejected?

2: I AM showing the full desktop. I'm using a Macbook Air (M1), and on MacOSX, you don't necessarily have the choice of having the taskbar show ALL the time. And even THAT isn't an excuse. You did see a glimpse of my taskbar during the run. And if the rejection is because I didn't show the taskbar for the full run, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY THAT?! On MacOSX, you HAVE to have your cursor on the bottom of the screen in order to even show the taskbar at all, and sometimes, that probably won't happen regardless. I closed ALL my tabs and windows, stretched the screen (both game and timer), got out of full screen, and turned my volume to 70% JUST TO DO ONE RUN. As you could tell from the recording, the taskbar STILL didn't show up. The only way the taskbar will always show is when all windows are closed, and you're on the computer background. And again, this probably won't happen anyway.

3: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "Autoclickers"?! You can HEAR me button mashing the trackpad! Even "The game audio was too loud to hear the trackpad!" isn't an excuse. What to know why? Because YOU CAN HEAR THE TRACKPAD! Sure it's hard to hear, but if you're this persistent on the rules, why don't you check that before you hit "Reject"?

4: It didn't take me 5 seconds to realize that this is literally just a copy and paste of the rules. I only complain about this because it doesn't pinpoint the specific reason WHY the run was rejected. It can't be ALL of them, because I have the audio, and you can hear that in the first 4 seconds! Also, that rule applies to WR in the rules. You never said that it applied to all runs. So either way, most of this doesn't make sense.

5 (add-on to 2): Why and HOW do I follow the "show taskbar" rule? That clearly only applies to PC considering that Mac can't do that at all. If that's the case... deep breath WHY DID YOU REJECT IT FOR SOMETHING I HAVE NO SAY OVER?!?! Now granted, the mod maybe just didn't know that, or maybe they didn't notice that I was using a Mac (okay, maybe not that last one), but I just wanted to point that out because I will NEVER be able to have one "genuine" run verified as long as I'm on Mac.

Again, I don't think that the mods would purposely do this, but I do hope they could acknowledge the Mac users, and not just PC. If the mod is reading this, I want you to know that I was not criticizing you for anything. I was just saying, for my run (and future runs) please acknowledge these points. I'm not saying this was your fault. I'm not saying that you did it on purpose. I just wanted to let you know that there was nothing wrong with the run. Thank you for reading this, and have a great day.

Lazio, Italy
슈퍼 모더레이터Gardenia
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago
  1. We require this rule overwise if people record at lower FPS or weird FPS they can get randomly faster times due to less frames in the video, throwing off the retime. Keeping all runs at 30/60 fps is to keep things fair.

2/5. I was not actually aware that this is how MacOS works when it comes to the task bar, and we appreciate the information, and will make an amendment to the rules when it comes to Mac users. We will discuss your run when it comes to this, as in the run video we are only able to see half of the taskbar.

  1. Even if we can hear the clicks of someone, it doesn't mean they aren't autoclicking, they could just be mashing to cover it up.

  2. I meant to cut the copy paste rules down like usual, but somehow I forgot to this time, no clue why I didn't, so apologies.

Aberdeen, Scotland

Regarding point 1, your recording must be at 30/60 FPS. This is due to different times when retimed in different FPS. For example, Octo's 48.367 was retimed at 48.35 as the recording used 50FPS instead of either 30 or 60.

Regarding point 2, although I am not a leaderboard mod and thus my beliefs may differ to those of leaderboard mods, I'm pretty sure showing the dock on macOS should qualify for the taskbar rule.

Regarding point 3, there have been submissions in the past which have used autoclickers, leading to the implementation of the autoclickers rule.

Regarding point 4, you need audio to claim world record, and this rule likely does not apply to your run.

Regarding point 5, refer to my response to your second point.

If anything is wrong with what I've posted or if you have any questions, feel free to message me/the mods on here or join the discord.

Vermont, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Mipha and Luke cleared it up pretty well, just want to reiterate that the discord is always open to join and ask questions in, and mine and Mipha's discord usernames are linked to our src pages if you wanted to reach out more directly.

Maryland, USA

Thank you for all the responses! I really appreciate that you got back to this. And if it helps, could I record with my phone cam for future runs?

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