Woke up to Tanya beating my previous WR on this run. You already know why this run is uploaded.
This is actually an older run I did, I just never uploaded it because I wanted to get my Veteran% to the same time as my Any% (the Veteran% run that I haven't uploaded yet is a 1:38 run) for "aesthetic reasons", I guess? Also, I don't understand how I got a 1:37, or even be close to a 1:36 with this (if i was .15 ms faster this would be a 1:36). It's literally impossible for me to get tied to my Any% run in Veteran%. I can't understand why. Stroke of luck? Like Tanya's Horse RNG in Old Wounds? ...Maybe
Recording Quality: Okay, but you can tell this is from when my laptop was doing its first recordings, it isn't as smooth as my current runs.
Mod edit - Retimed to 1:36.190
mod note 2: fully retimed to 1:42.